All select fill shall be necessary to backfill trench in rock areas or where the excavated material is judged by the Engineer to be unfit backfill and where additional fill is required for grading purposes.
Unless otherwise permitted, select fill shall consist of an approved material such as bank-run sand and gravel. The select fill shall contain not more than 5% stone of a size lying between four inches and six inches in its largest dimension, and no stone more than six inches in its largest dimension shall be permitted.
This section shall include the furnishing, excavating for, placing, grading and compaction of crushed stone or gravel for foundations and/or drainage as required or ordered by the Engineer. The depth and extent of the crushed stone or gravel base shall be as specified on the plans and/or as directed by the Engineer in the field.
Materials and workmanship.
The materials used shall be clean, graded, crushed trap rock or hard gravel. They shall be free of all dirt, dust, soft particles, vegetation and other extraneous matter. The material shall be equivalent to gravel, Type 2, Grade A or B, as specified by the New Jersey State Highway Department.
The material shall be accurately leveled and compacted by approved means to the required depth and grades.