The contractor, under this item, shall furnish all the materials, labor and equipment and shall properly furnish, lay and joint all cast-iron pipe as shown on the approved plans. The contractor shall also furnish all pipe, valves and appurtenances and shall properly install all air-release valves and boxes and fittings and conduct all necessary tests as specified or shown.
The dimensions of fittings shall be ASA Class 125 shortbody standard unless otherwise specifically indicated on the plans.
The material shall conform to the following:
Bell and spigot pipe fittings. ASA Specification A-21.6 or A-21.8 or American Water Works Association standard specifications for Class B sand-cast pipe. Fittings 12 inches and less in size shall conform to ASA Specification A-21.10, unless otherwise shown on the plans as American Water Works Association long-pattern fittings.
Flange pipe and fittings, ASA Specification A-21.2, A-21.6 or A-21.8. Fittings shall conform to the latest ASA Specification B-16.1 125 pound standard or American Water Works Association standard.
The inside of pipes and castings shall be cleaned before laying and shall be kept clean until accepted in the completed work. Whenever the work is interrupted, all open ends of pipes shall be temporarily closed by plugs. All pipes and special castings shall be carefully examined for defects, and no pipe or special castings shall be laid which are known to be defective. If any such pipe or special castings are discovered to be defective after being laid, they shall be removed and replaced with a sound pipe or casting by the contractor at his own expense. Prior to final inspection, the contractor shall flush out the sewer pipe.
Cast-iron pipe shall be laid to conform to line and grade shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Each length of pipe and special fitting shall be firmly supported on good foundation, and adequate means must be taken to prevent settlement. Pipe within a structure shall be supported on piers or by suitable hangers as shown on the plans or as required.
Joints may be mechanical joint, compression gasket joints or ring-type rubber-gasket bell and spigot joints.
The contractor shall test lines between valves with water pressure. The tests shall be conducted under the direction of the Engineer. The lines shall hold the required pressure for two hours without pumping. Visible leakage shall be repaired, regardless of the results of tests. Test pressure will be 50 pounds per square inch, unless otherwise designated by the Engineer or called for on the plans.
All tests shall be repeated until the test conditions are satisfied.