The terms and conditions set forth in this article are necessary for the accomplishment of the following purposes:
To ensure that persons seeking to exercise their constitutional freedom of expression can communicate with the users of the airport.
To ensure police protection of the persons exercising their constitutional freedoms.
To ensure that persons and organizations properly authorized to engage in authorized activities have adequate exposure to the traveling public.
To restrict such activities to public areas of the airport.
To protect users of the airport from repeated communications or encounters which might constitute harassment or intimidation.
To ensure the free and orderly flow of pedestrian traffic through the airport.
To ensure that these activities do not result in the interference with the transportation or business functions of the airport.
The provisions contained in this article shall not apply to individuals wishing to conduct business or commercial activities in, about or within the limits of the airport.
Any person or organization desiring to engage in any business or commercial activities in, about or within the limits of the airport must comply with the regulations and procedures established by the Director from time to time for purposes of regulating the time, place and manner of such activities.
Any person or organization desiring to distribute literature, exchange information, solicit funds or picket at the airport shall first obtain a written permit from the Director.
Permits granted pursuant to the rules of this article are not transferable. No person or organization shall conduct any form of solicitation regulated under this article unless the person or organization has first obtained a permit.
A permit may be denied, suspended or canceled upon a showing that:
One or more of the statements contained in the permit application is not true.
The applicant has failed to supply all of the information required by the permit application.
The applicant designated to participate in the permit activities is presently engaged in a fraudulent or criminal transaction or enterprise.
The applicant has violated a material provision of this article.
The applicant is involved in an activity that adversely affects the health or safety of the public.
In the event that a permit is revoked or suspended, a new permit may not be issued to the person or organization for six months following the date of the revocation or suspension.
The Director shall notify the permit holder, in writing, of any revocation or suspension of his or her permit.