[Amended 11-2-2022; 12-20-2023]
This section contains the subdivision application checklists for:[1]
Plan Believed Not to Require Approval;
Administrative Subdivision;
Minor Subdivision/Land Development Preliminary Plan;
Minor Subdivision/Land Development Final Plan;
Major Subdivision/Land Development Master Plan;
Major Subdivision/Land Development Preliminary Plan; and
Major Subdivision/Land Development Final Plan.
Review procedures for each of the subdivision/land development applications may be found within Sections 6, 7, 8, and 9.
All plan sheets and supporting documents must be submitted in a digital format. Supporting documents shall be provided to the Planning Department as part of the application package. Please contact the Department for appropriate formats. See the checklist for appropriate plan sheet formats.
These checklists apply to both subdivision and major land development applications. Conservation development items are marked with (CD ONLY). Land development items are marked with (LD ONLY); those items are not required for subdivision submissions. Applicants should contact the Planning Department if they have any questions about the applicability of a checklist item for a submission.
Editor's Note: The checklists are included as attachments to this chapter.