This article applies to oil-burning equipment except internal combustion engines, oil lamps and portable devices such as blow torches, melting pots and weed burners.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Kerosene or any hydrocarbon oil conforming to Specifications for Fuel Oils of the American Society of Testing Materials, having a flash point not less than 100° F.
An oil burner of any type, together with its tank, piping, wiring, controls and related devices, and shall include all conversion oil burners, oil-fired units and heating and cooking appliances, but excluding those exempted by § 30-115.
A permit shall be required for the installation of any oil burner that utilizes a fuel oil tank in excess of 25 gallons in a building or in excess of 60 gallons outside of a building, except for installations solely for space heating or water heating.
The installation, operation and maintenance of oil-burning equipment shall be in accordance with the appropriate standards of the NFPA.