[Added 11-17-1992 by L.L. No. 13-1992, effective 11-23-1992]
No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for any new construction in the Town of Brookhaven unless and until a certificate of assessment has been issued in accordance with the provisions of this article.
A certificate of assessment shall be issued by the Assessor of the Town of Brookhaven upon written application in such form as may be promulgated by said Assessor designed to elicit the information required to be maintained by § 500 of the RPTL governing property inventories. Any application for a certificate of assessment must be accompanied by the following:
Any application for a certificate of assessment must be accompanied by a final survey prepared by a registered land surveyor dated not more than 30 days from the date of application which must contain the information required by §§ 85-18 and 85-19 of the Code of the Town of Brookhaven and the following additional information:
The Suffolk County Tax Map Number(s) of the parcel;
The total number of stories of the structure(s) on the parcel;
The square footage of each floor of the structure(s) on the parcel;
The square footage of any garage erected on the parcel;
An indication of whether the structure contains a full or partial basement; a crawl space; or is erected upon a slab foundation.
Nonresidential construction. An application for a nonresidential certificate of assessment must also be accompanied by a copy of an updated and current "as built" site plan certified as correct by a registered surveyor.
Upon application to the Assessor, the provisions of this section may be waived so as to authorize a submission of the certified survey not later than 30 days after submission of an application for a certificate of assessment.
[Amended 2-7-2012 by L.L. No. 4-2012, effective 2-21-2012; 12-19-2019 by L.L. No. 27-2019, effective 12-31-2019]
Fees for certificates of assessment shall be as established by Town Board resolution.