The penalty for a violation of any provision of this Code which refers
to this section or for which no other penalty is provided shall be as set
forth herein.
Any person who is convicted of violating any ordinance within one year
of the date of a previous violation of the same ordinance and who is fined
for the previous violation shall be sentenced by the Court to an additional
fine as a repeat offender. The additional fine imposed by the Court upon a
person for a repeat offense shall be not less than $100 nor more than $2,000,
but shall be calculated separately from the fine imposed for the violation
of the ordinance.
The maximum fine for the violation of any housing or zoning code shall
be $1,250 unless the owner is provided with a thirty-day period in which they
are given an opportunity to cure or abate the condition after being afforded
an opportunity for a hearing before the Court and an independent determination
concerning the violation. In the event the Court determines that the abatement
has not been substantially completed within the thirty-day period, a fine
not to exceed $2,000 may be imposed.
Each day that any Borough ordinance shall be violated shall be construed
to be a separate and distinct violation subjecting the person, firm, or corporation
convicted of violating the ordinance to separate and cumulative penalties
under this section.