This investment policy applies to all moneys and other financial resources
available for investment on its own behalf or by any other entity or individual.
The primary objectives of local governments' investment activities are,
in priority order, to:
A. Conform to all applicable federal, state and other legal
B. Safeguard principal adequately.
C. Provide sufficient liquidity to meet all operating requirements.
D. Obtain a reasonable rate of return.
The Town Board's responsibility for administration of the investment
process is delegated to the Town Supervisor, as Treasurer, who shall establish
written procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent
with these investment guidelines. Such procedures shall include a data base
incorporating description and amounts of information and to regulate the activities
of subordinate employees.
Investments shall be made with judgment and care, not for speculation,
but for investments, considering the safety of the principal as well as the
probable income to be derived.
It is the policy of the Town Board to diversify its deposits and investments
by financial institutions, by investment instrument and by maturity scheduling.
The bank and trust companies authorized for deposit of moneys up to
the following amounts are:
A. Key Bank of South East New York: maximum amount one million
five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.).
B. M & T Bank: maximum amount one million five hundred
thousand dollars ($1,500,000.).
C. First National Bank of Rhinebeck: maximum amount one
million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.).