The Board shall review all applications for an electrical contractor license to install electrical wiring and equipment in the City of Schenectady and issue an electrical contractor license to each applicant fulfilling the requirements of this section. The license is valid for the calendar year in which issued. An applicant for an electrical contractor license shall submit an application to the Board accompanied by the appropriate fee. No application will be considered unless it is complete and meets all of the requirements listed below:
The applicant may be an individual master electrician or a partnership or corporation in which a master electrician has a financial interest.
The applicant must have an established business location.
The applicant shall enclose the application with a letter on the firm's letterhead, showing the firm name, address, zip code and telephone number. The letter must disclose the names of all owners, partners or shareholders of the firm. The application as well as the letter must be signed by the owner or controlling partner or stockholder.
The applicant must affirm that he will abide by all requirements of the National Electrical Code, latest edition, and this chapter.
The applicant shall enclose a current copy of a certificate of insurance, with the City of Schenectady named as coinsured, in the amount of $300,000/$500,000 for public liability and $100,000 for property damage. He shall also submit a copy of a current certificate of compliance from the Workers' Compensation Board as evidence that his employees are protected by Workers' Compensation Insurance.
The applicant must affirm that he will obtain a permit from the Electrical Inspector for each separate installation.
The applicant shall submit and keep current the names of all master electricians, journeymen electricians, residential wiremen and apprentices associated with or employed by his firm, together with the education, training and job experience of each to show that each is competent to perform electrical work. Electrical work may be performed only by a master electrician, journeyman electrician, residential wireman or apprentice and must be under the supervision of a master electrician.
At each job site where electrical work is in progress, at least one master or journeyman electrician must be in continuous attendance, except that absence from the job for less than two hours in a day is permitted. The master or journeyman electrician must be associated with or an employee of the licensed electrical contractor.
The applicant shall show proof of completion of a minimum of six contact hours (six code enforcement units).
[Added 4-11-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-09]