The County Commissioners of Caroline County shall establish a County Ethics Commission, which shall be composed of five members appointed by the County Commissioners.
Initial appointments shall be as follows: two for one-year terms, two for two-year terms, and the fifth for a three-year term. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for three-year terms.
The members shall not be entitled to Compensation but shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses.
Maintenance of records; budget.
The Commission's files and records shall be maintained by the Commission in a safe and prudent manner; provided that the files and records shall at all times constitute files and records of the County and that the Commission may direct the County Attorney to maintain such files and records on behalf of the County and the Commission.
The Commission, with the assistance of the County Administrator, shall develop a budget and submit the same to the Board of Estimates.
Not more than three members of the Commission shall be affiliated with the same political party.
Except as may be authorized by the County Commissioners, the Commission shall be advised and represented by the County Attorney; provided, however, that the County Attorney shall be recused in any matter in which the County Attorney may be a fact witness or any matter in which a majority of the Commission members believe it appropriate to utilize other legal counsel to advise the Commission to avoid a conflict, of the appearance of a conflict, or Interest. The County shall provide for the reasonable fees and expenses of such other counsel.
The Commission shall:
Administer the provisions of this chapter;
Receive requests for and, in its discretion, render advisory opinions regarding the application of the chapter to specific situations and factual circumstances;
Initiate complaints upon a majority determination of its members; receive complaints from others; and investigate, hold hearings, and render decisions with respect to complaints regarding alleged violations of this chapter; provided, however, that in the event that a member of the Commission, on his or her own volition, files a complaint without obtaining a majority concurrence for such complaint by the Commission, such member shall be recused from participating in the investigation, hearing, and determination of such complaint.
Provide notice of its meetings and take and maintain written minutes of its meetings;
Keep all records and forms required under this chapter as required under § 33-3 of this chapter;
Prescribe and provide forms for reports, statements, notices, complaints, and other documents required by this chapter;
Retain documents filed with the Commission for at least four years after the date of their receipt;
For each disclosure statement, and Lobbying registration, and Lobbying report filed in accordance with this chapter:
Review the filing to determine if the filing complies with the provisions of this chapter; and
Notify the filer of any omissions or deficiencies in the filing;
Conduct public information and education programs regarding the purpose and implementation of this chapter; and
Disseminate information to Public Officials regarding:
The purpose and scope of this chapter; and
The functioning of the Commission.
The Commission may adopt rules and regulations in order to carry out the provisions of this chapter, including, but not limited to:
The conduct of Commission meetings to consider requests for advisory opinions and complaints;
Providing access to Commission records relating to advisory opinions and complaints, subject to and in accordance with state law; and
Public examination of certain filings, as provided for in this chapter.
Not later than October 1 of each year, the Commission shall certify to the State Ethics Commission that the County's Ethics Law is in compliance with the requirements of the State Government Article, Title 15, Subtitle 5, of the Annotated Code of Maryland and COMAR 19a.01.03.