A Person who is or may be subject to this chapter may seek the assistance or advice of the Commission:
To determine whether disclosure is required;
In the preparation of the required forms;
To determine whether a proposed course of conduct or past event constitutes a violation of this chapter.
The Person requesting assistance or advice shall:
Make the request in writing providing all pertinent material facts;
Meet with the Commission, or its designee, to answer questions regarding the matter; and
Provide to the Commission documents or records which the Commission considers pertinent to the request.
At the conclusion of the review of the request, the Commission may:
Issue a written opinion with recommendations or conclusions regarding the matter; or
Decline to make a determination regarding the matter, stating its reasons therefor.
The Commission's opinion is binding on the Commission in any subsequent investigation or complaint proceeding concerning the Person who requested assistance or advice and who acts in reliance on the opinion in good faith, unless the Person omitted or misstated material facts concerning the matter, or other material facts are brought to the attention of the Commission.
Any Person may file a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter. Complaints must be:
Filed in writing;
Contain the name and address of, and contact information for, the complainant; and
State with reasonable specificity the nature of and facts pertinent to the alleged violation.
The Commission, on its own determination, may initiate a complaint or investigation of alleged or perceived violations of this chapter.
Advisory opinions: confidentiality. Before an advisory opinion may be made public, the Commission shall delete, and shall not reveal, the identity of any Person that is the subject of the opinion, and, to the fullest extent possible, shall delete, and shall not reveal, other information that may identify such Persons.
Complaints: confidentiality.
The proceedings, meetings, and activities of the Commission and its staff, employees, and agents relating to complaints are confidential.
Unless necessary to investigate and make a determination with respect to a complaint, and in such cases subject to the restrictions in this § 33-29H, information relating to a complaint, including the identity of the complainant and any Person that is the subject of the complaint, shall not be disclosed by the Commission, its staff, employees, or agents, the complainant, any Person that is the subject of the complaint, or any Person contacted with respect to a complaint.
The restrictions in § 33-29H(2) shall not apply if the matter is referred for prosecution; the Commission determines that a violation has occurred, or the Person that is the subject of the complaint agrees to such disclosure.
On the request of the Person who is the subject of a complaint, the Commission shall disclose to such Person the identity of the complainant.