As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned to them in this section:
Same meaning as provided in § 180-1B, and includes the same streets or parts of streets therein named, and such other streets or parts of streets as the Common Council shall hereafter by resolution designate to include among the streets designated as being in the congested district, all that portion of Broad Street from the New York Central Railroad property south to Stone Street and MacArthur Parkway from Cedar Street to Stone Street.
That period of time between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Such spaces, areas or zones as are designated pursuant to the provisions of this article.
The Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to establish immediately and from time to time hereafter as traffic conditions require, or as the Common Council by resolution shall hereafter direct, zones to be known as "parking spaces" upon such streets in the congested district as are selected by the Commissioner of Public Safety or by resolution of the Common Council for the location of such zones. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall cause parking spaces to be designated as herein provided. The parking spaces and/or other parking regulations or orders of the Commissioner of Public Safety heretofore filed and effective are hereby confirmed.
In any of such parking spaces or in any part or portion of said separately designated parking spaces, the Commissioner of Public Safety may cause such spaces to be marked or indicated and shall erect appropriate signs indicating the time limitation during which said parking spaces may be occupied, as such time limitations shall be fixed and determined from time to time by ordinance.
The Commissioner of Public Safety may have lines or markings painted or placed upon the curb or upon the street for the purpose of designating the parking space to be used.
Parking signs shall be erected longitudinally at the ends of the zone and at advantageous intermediate locations at intervals not to exceed 200 feet. Signs shall be erected in accordance with state regulations as set forth in New York State Manual of Traffic Control Devices as to height, lateral placement, mounting and shall be erected on the side of the roadway on which the regulation is applicable.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Sec. 4-16-58, Time limits, which immediately followed this subsection, was deleted 7-5-1988 by Ord. No. 88-08.
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, allow, permit or suffer any vehicle registered in the name of or operated by any such person to be parked overtime or beyond the period of legal parking time established for any parking zone or space as herein described.
When a parking space in any parking space is parallel with the adjacent curb or sidewalk, any vehicle occupying such parking space shall be placed so that the foremost part of such vehicle shall be nearest to the forward end of said space as indicated by the permitted direction of traffic. When a parking space is diagonal to the curb and the sidewalk, any vehicle occupying space in such parking shall be placed in the parking space with the foremost part of such vehicle nearest to such curb or sidewalk.
It shall be unlawful to park any vehicle across any line or marking painted or placed upon the curb or upon the street for the purpose of designating the parking spaces to be used, that the same shall not be entirely within the area so designated by such lines and markings.
The provisions of this article shall not apply to motor vehicles, trucks, etc., while they are engaged in the business of loading or unloading their cargo or passengers in the parking zones.
[Amended 11-7-2001; 6-18-2004 by Ord. No. 04-01]
It shall be the duty of the police officers of the City to report:
The number of violations of any of the provisions of this article.
The state license number of such vehicle.
Any other facts, a knowledge of which is necessary to a thorough understanding of the circumstances attending such violation.
Each such police officer shall also attach to such vehicle a notice to the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle has been parked in violation of a provision of this article.
Penalties for any violations of Article II or Article III of this chapter shall be subject to a surcharge of $30 and a fine as follows:
[Amended 12-29-2009 by Ord. No. 09-05[1]; 10-19-2010 by Ord. No. 10-06[2]; 3-15-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011; 1-19-2021 by L.L. No. 1-2021]
All handicapped parking violations: the fine shall be the same as the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law fine for handicapped parking violations, which at this time is $50; and over 10 days, $100.
All fire lane and fire hydrant violations: $35; over 10 days, $50; over 30 days, $100; over 60 days, $200.
Double parking: $10; over 10 days, $50; over 30 days, $100; over 60 days, $200.
All other parking violations: $25; over 10 days, $50; over 30 days, $100; over 60 days, $200.
Editor’s Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection C, regarding a grace period for payment of overdue parking fines, which immediately followed this subsection. Ordinance No. 09-05 also provided for an effective date of 1-1-2010.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 11-1-2010.