[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Linn 4-14-2003 (Ch. 17 of the 1995 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Emergency management —  See § 2-6.
Police Department — See Ch. 8.
Fire Department recognized. The Town of Linn Fire Department is officially recognized as the Fire Department of the Town of Linn, and the duties of fire fighting and fire prevention in the Town are delegated to such Department.
Appropriations. The Town Board shall appropriate funds for Fire Department operations and for such apparatus and equipment for the use of the Fire Department as the Town Board may deem expedient and necessary to maintain efficiency and properly protect life and property from fire.
Compensation. The officers and members of the Fire Department shall receive such compensation from the Town as may from time to time be fixed by the Town Board.
Presiding officer. The Chief of the Department shall be the presiding officer of the Department. He or she shall preside at all meetings, call special meetings, preserve order and decide all points of order that may arise. He or she shall be present at all fires and have complete command of and entire responsibility for all fire-fighting operations, plan the control of the same, direct action of the Department when it arrives at a fire and see that the fire-fighting apparatus is kept in proper condition at all times. In the absence of the Chief, the next ranking officer of the Department assumes command. The Fire Chief shall perform such other duties as are usually incumbent on the commanding officer of a fire department.
Organization of Department. The organization and internal regulation of the Fire Department shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter and by such bylaws adopted by the Department as are approved by the Town Board. The Fire Department shall adopt bylaws for its control, management and government and for regulating the business and proceedings of the Department, which such bylaws, after adoption by the members of the Department, shall not become effective until approved by the Town Board.
Selection of officers. The establishment and election of all officers shall be done in accordance with the duly adopted bylaws of the Department. All officers elected by the Department shall be approved by the Town Board each year. All officers shall hold office during the subsequent year during good behavior, subject to suspension or removal by the Town Board for cause.
Adoption of codes. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Code of Ordinances, all provisions of Chs. Comm 5, 7, 9, 10, 16, 30, 32, 40, 45, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78 and 79, Wis. Adm. Code, and NFPA 1, including any future revisions or amendments thereto, are hereby adopted and by reference made part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein.
[Added 5-10-2004]
Rescue Squad recognized. The Town of Linn Rescue Squad is officially recognized as the emergency medical service provider for the Town of Linn, and the duties of emergency medical service in the Town are delegated to such department.
Appropriations. The Town Board shall appropriate funds for emergency medical service operations and for such apparatus and equipment for the use of the Rescue Squad as the Town Board may deem expedient and necessary to maintain efficiency and properly protect life.
Compensation. The officers and members of the Rescue Squad shall receive such compensation from the Town as may from time to time be fixed by the Town Board.
Presiding officer. The Chief of the Rescue Squad shall be the presiding officer of the Squad. He or she shall preside at all meetings, call special meetings, preserve order and decide all points of order that may arise. He or she shall be present at all Rescue Squad calls and have complete command and entire responsibility for all emergency medical service operations, plan the operations, direct action of the Rescue Squad when it arrives at a call and see that the emergency medical service apparatus and equipment are kept in proper condition at all times. In the absence of the Chief, the next ranking officer of the Rescue Squad assumes command. The Chief shall perform such other duties as are usually incumbent on the commanding officer of a rescue squad.
Organization of Rescue Squad. The organization and internal regulation of the Rescue Squad shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter and by such bylaws adopted by the Rescue Squad as are approved by the Town Board. The Rescue Squad shall adopt bylaws for its control, management and government and for regulating the business and proceedings of the Rescue Squad, which such bylaws, after adoption by the members of the Rescue Squad, shall not become effective until approved by the Town Board.
Selection of officers. The establishment and election of all officers shall be done in accordance with the duly adopted bylaws of the Rescue Squad. All officers shall be approved by the Town Board each year. All officers shall hold office during the subsequent year during good behavior, subject to suspension or removal by the Town Board for cause.
Definition. "Donated funds" is hereby defined as private donations from individuals, corporations, and other entities or from the fund-raising efforts of the members of the Town of Linn Fire Department and the Town of Linn Rescue Squad.
Separate funds. The Town Board of the Town of Linn, pursuant to § 66.0608, Wis. Stats., authorizes both the Town of Linn Fire Department and the Town of Linn Rescue Squad to maintain donated funds as defined above in separate accounts in the name of the respective departments and gives the respective departments exclusive control over the funds except as further set forth herein.
Authority. The respective Chiefs and Treasurers of each of the departments shall have the authority to deposit donated funds in their respective accounts. The Chief and Treasurer of each respective department are authorized to make withdrawals of said funds, provided that the purpose of said withdrawal has the approval of the majority of the members of their respective departments. Any withdrawal that exceeds $500 must be approved by the Town Board prior to withdrawal.
Ownership of funds. All donated funds as defined above shall remain the property of the Town of Linn until said funds are disbursed.
Audit. The respective departments shall have an annual audit and report the purpose of the withdrawals and all other information relating to or regarding said separate accounts for each department.