Resolved, that the Town of Old Lyme establish a Board of Finance and prescribe the term of office of its members and its powers and duties as provided by statute, Section 85c. Effective July 25, 1941.
At a special meeting of the electors of the Town of Old Lyme legally warned and held in said Town on January 28, 1966, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 7-170 to 7-186 inclusive, the following votes were given on the Question: "For Allowing the Operation of Bazaars and Raffles": Yes, 58 votes; No, 48 votes. Question passed.
The Selectmen are authorized to dispose of surplus, lost, and unclaimed personal property. Effective May 13, 1974.
Voted that the Town of Old Lyme shall be governed by the provisions of Public Act No. 73-349, as amended, An Act Concerning the Connecticut River Gateway Zone. Pursuant to the provisions of said Act, the Old Lyme Planning Commission, Old Lyme Zoning Commission and the Old Lyme Conservation Commission[1] have filed written notice with the Town Clerk of said Town of Old Lyme, each Commission recommending that said Town of Old Lyme be governed by said Act, as amended. Effective May 13, 1974.
Editor's Note: The name of this commission was changed to "Inland Wetlands Commission” 1-26-2004.
Resolved, that the Town of Old Lyme shall unite with other towns of the Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency and/or any other adjoining towns to initially form a District Department of Health pursuant to the provisions of Sections 19-105 through 19-111 of Connecticut General Statutes,[1] and be it further resolved that this vote of the Town Meeting shall not be effective until such time as it is determined by the Commissioner of Health of the State of Connecticut that at least 30,000 people are legally represented on the District Board of Health by the affirmative vote of their respective town legislative bodies. Adopted November 21, 1977.
Editor's Note: See now C.G.S. §§ 19a-240 through 19a-246.
A motion was made and seconded to change the date of the Annual Town Business Meeting from the third Monday in November to the fourth Monday in January, commencing in 1993. Adopted November 16, 1992.