[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Fenwick Island 9-25-1987 as Ord. No. 64; amended in its entirety 6-23-2006. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Emergency management is a necessary function that requires planning, analyzing, conducting and maintaining programs to prepare for and respond to all types of hazards. An "emergency" is defined as any event which threatens to, or actually does, inflict damage to property or persons. Emergencies can range from devastating storms, to hurricanes and floods, to explosions and HAZMAT incidents, to nuclear attack to terrorist activities.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 5, issued February 28, 2003, directs the development of a National Incident Management System (NIMS) which provides a consistent nationwide template to enable federal, state, municipal, and local governments and private-sector and nongovernmental organizations to work together effectively and efficiently to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents such as those that might affect Fenwick Island. Recognizing that collective input and guidance, coordinated response and standardized procedures for managing resources are essential to effective emergency management, in May 2006, the Fenwick Island Town Council voted to implement NIMS.
As a function of NIMS, emergency management plans are prepared and kept current by the Emergency Management Team and ratified by Town Council.
Upon notification of an impending or actual state of emergency, the Mayor/Town Manager/Town Administrator will convene the Emergency Management Team (EMT). Incumbents of the following positions are members of the EMT.
Mayor/President of Council.
Commissioner of Public Safety.
Town Manager.
Chief of Police.
Building Official.
Public Works Superintendent.
Fire Company Liaison.
Fenwick Island Beach Patrol Captain (June 15 through September 15).
Other members of Town Council and the public as the Mayor deems necessary.
This team is responsible for preparing the Emergency Management Plan and keeping it current. When an incident occurs, the Mayor/Town Manager will initiate the preparedness, response and recovery aspect of the plan. Implementation of the mitigation segment is ongoing.
Section 2 of the emergency management plan[1] delineates the members of the team and their specific responsibilities.
Editor's Note: The Emergency Management Plan, dated June 2006, was adopted by Council 6-23-2006.