[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of East Hampton 9-12-2023 by Ord. No. 2023.07.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Ch. 96, Parks and Recreation Department, adopted 8-22-1989 (Ord. No. 12.01, as amended.
There is hereby established a Recreation Department which shall be responsible for providing balanced recreational programs for the inhabitants of the Town and overseeing operation of recreational areas of the Town including parks, the Air Line Trail and Lake Pocotopaug. The Recreation Department will also coordinate with the Department of Public Works for the care, maintenance and management of parks and grounds assigned to said Recreation Department.
The Director of Recreation shall be head of the Department established in § 96-1, and shall be appointed by the Town Manager as prescribed by Section 3.3 of the East Hampton Town Charter, as amended.
The Director of Recreation shall be responsible for the proper operation of the Department and programs and shall supervise all personnel assigned thereto. The Director of Recreation shall perform all other duties as prescribed by the job description for the position under the general direction of the Town Manager. All incumbent personnel, including the Director, upon the adoption of this chapter, shall continue employment without interruption, and shall maintain the longevity and seniority that they enjoyed prior to the adoption of this chapter.
Each year, at such time or times that the Town Manager shall prescribe, the Director of Recreation shall prepare and submit to the Town Manager an estimated budget for the operation of the Recreation Department, together with any other information for the ensuing fiscal year. Said Department shall operate within the appropriations made by the Town for its purposes, and all revenues collected by the Department shall be promptly deposited in the Town Treasury.
There shall be a Parks and Recreation Advisory Board which shall consist of seven electors of the Town who shall serve without pay except for reimbursement of necessary expenses. Not more than five of said electors shall be members of the same political party. All members shall be appointed by the Town Council for three-year overlapping terms. All incumbent members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission existing prior to the amendment of this chapter shall be considered appointed to the Advisory Board established herein and shall continue in office until their present terms expire.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall work with the Directors of Recreation and Public Works and periodically advise the Town Council on long-range needs for public parks, playgrounds, swimming pools and places, athletic fields, public gardens and other recreational sites, including equipment and facilities used in connection therewith as now or may hereafter be established, whether within or without the corporate limits of the Town, which regulations shall be enforced as hereinafter provided. Said Board shall also advise the Town Council on necessary rules and regulations for the operation, care and management of the aforementioned sites and facilities, or the Town Council by resolution or ordinance may delegate the power to adopt such rules and regulations to said Board. Said Board shall elect its own officers, which shall include a Chairman and Vice Chairman, and shall determine their own rules of procedures. Said Board shall hold regular and special meetings as necessary and may conduct informational hearings for public input, all in conformance with the Freedom of Information Act.