In order to fulfill the purpose of this chapter, the Town of Berne establishes and is hereby divided into the following eight zoning districts:
One-family dwelling per five acres; two-family dwellings per five acres if new construction; conversion of one-family dwellings to attached two-family dwellings per five acres with a special use permit; multifamily with a special use permit and site plan approval
Medium Density Residence
One family per 1 1/2 acres, single family
Neighborhood Commercial
General Commercial
Traditional Neighborhood/
Mixed Use 1
Traditional Neighborhood/
Mixed Use 2
Designation. The location and boundaries of said zoning districts are shown on the map designated "Official Zoning Map of the Town of Berne" adopted on May 1, 1974,[1] and certified by the Town Clerk. Said map, together with everything shown thereon and all amendments thereto, is hereby adopted and is declared to be an appurtenant part of this chapter. No amendment to this chapter which involves matters portrayed on the Official Zoning Map shall become effective until such change and entry has been made on said map and has been attested by the Town Clerk. Any new Zoning Map reflecting amendments to the previous Official Zoning Map shall bear a statement which explains that it supersedes the prior map and gives the date of adoption of both the prior map and the new Zoning Map.
Editor's Date: The Official Zoning Map, dated 7-9-2007, is included at the end of this chapter.
Copies of Zoning Map. Regardless of the existence of other printed copies of the Zoning Map which from time to time may be made or published, the Official Zoning Map, which shall be on file with the Town Clerk, shall be the official determinant of the current zoning status of the land and water areas, buildings, and other structures in the Town.
Where uncertainty exists with respect to any boundary of any of the aforesaid districts as shown on the Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply:
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the center lines or right-of-way lines of streets, highways, public utility easements, or watercourses, said boundaries shall be construed to be coincident with such lines. Such boundaries shall be deemed to be automatically moved if a center line or right-of-way line of such street, highway, public utility or watercourse is moved a maximum of 50 feet.
Where district boundaries are indicated as approximately following the Town boundary line, property lines, lot lines, or projections thereof, said boundaries shall be construed to be coincident with such lines or projections thereof.
Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately parallel to the Town boundary line, property lines, lot lines, right-of-way lines, easements, watercourses, or projections thereof, said boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto and at such distances therefrom as indicated on the Zoning Map or as shall be determined by the use of the scale shown on the Zoning Map.
Where a district boundary line divides a lot in a single ownership or joint ownership of record at the time such line is established, the regulations for the less-restricted portion of such lot shall extend not more than 30 feet into the more-restricted portion.
In all other cases, where not dimensioned, the location of boundaries shown on the map shall be determined by the use of the scale appearing thereon, but in no instance will a district be less than the specified minimum lot depth shown for each district in the Density Control Schedule.[1]
Editor's Note: The Density Control Schedule is included at the end of this chapter.