[Adopted 4-17-2008 by L.L. No. 1-2008]
Commencing with the effective date of this article, any gravity sanitary sewer; sanitary force main sewer; sewer that serves more than one property; sewer located in a public right-of-way; sanitary pump station (exclusive of privately owned grinder pumps); sewer connection; and sewer extension, the closest part of which is within the public right-of-way or is within a municipal utility easement, shall be connected to the public sanitary sewer system and shall, after completion of design, construction and testing in conformity with all laws, rules and regulations and in accordance with the then-current standards and protocols of the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Public Health and Environmental Managers (GLUMRB) as published in the "Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities," become part of the public sewer system and shall thereafter be maintained by the Public Sewer District.
Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A point of connection between a building, residence or other structure and a public sewer except any connection designed or intended to carry 2,500 gallons per day or more of residential sewage alone.
A newly constructed or proposed sewer designed to serve one or more sewer connection(s).
In the event that any of the facilities identified in § 104-10A are to be constructed, the person or entity intending to build same shall file an application for a proposed public sanitary sewer with the Superintendent of the Public Sewer District. Such applications shall include engineering plans, reports and specifications designed by a New York State licensed professional engineer in accordance with the GLUMRB standards referenced above.
The Superintendent of the Public Sewer District shall have the authority to engage the services of a New York State licensed professional engineer to review the design documents submitted by the applicant. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the costs, fees, expenses and disbursements associated with said review.
Upon filing an application, the applicant shall also be required to pay such sums as reasonably determined by the Town, to cover the costs, disbursements, fees and expenses of said review. Said funds shall be held in escrow by the Town and drawn against as invoices are submitted. In the event that said escrow funds are depleted, the applicant shall pay such additional sums as reasonably determined by the Town until the entire review is completed.
The person(s) making said application shall also be required to adhere to the rules and regulations promulgated by the Town of Esopus governing the construction, testing, connection, dedication and all other aspects of the public sanitary sewers, which rules and regulations may be amended by resolution of the Town Board.