Whenever a public sewer is not available within the Sewer District as described under the provisions of Article IV, § 172-8, the building sewer shall be connected directly to a private sewage disposal system complying with the requirements of the Department of Health and the provisions of this article.
The type, capacities, location and layout of a private sewage disposal system, and the pipe sizes, slopes, and design criteria of a private sewage disposal system within the Sewer District shall comply with all requirements of the County Health Department, and no statement in this article shall be construed to interfere with these or any other additional requirements or recommendations that may be imposed by the Department of Health. Any additional requirements imposed by this chapter are for the purpose of implementing the intent of this chapter, and providing for the proper development of the Sewer District.
Before approval of a project within the Sewer District by a federal, state, or county agency, the Administrator shall have the right to require a submittal of a review application, plans, and specifications of the proposed private sewage disposal system to determine its conformity to the comprehensive plan of the Town of Gardiner Sewer District No. 1. The Administrator shall have the right to require additional information as deemed necessary, for the purpose of insuring compliance with the provisions of this chapter. All information required shall become a part of the application. Construction shall not commence until approved by the Administrator. Any revision to the approved application without the written approval of the Administrator is prohibited.
The methods, practices, and materials used in the construction of a private sewage disposal system located in the Sewer District shall be in accordance with the provisions of the approved application and any specifications and requirements adopted by the Town Board in fulfilling the Administrator's duties and the provisions of this chapter as provided herein. In the absence of any particular provisions, or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), and the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF), Manual of Practice No. 9, shall apply.
The Administrator shall be allowed to inspect the work at any stage of construction, and in any event, the applicant shall notify the Administrator when the work, or separate portions of it, is ready for final inspection, and before any underground portions are covered. The inspection shall be made within 48 hours of receipt of notice by the Administrator. Prior to final approval, the applicant shall provide the Administrator with two complete sets of as-built drawings of the system, and in the case of a sewage infiltration test, results (certified by a professional engineer licensed in the State of New York). The maximum allowable rate of infiltration into any section of a sewage system shall not exceed 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile of sewer per day.
The owner of a private sewage disposal system shall operate and maintain such facilities in a satisfactory manner at all times, at no expense to the Sewer District.
At such time as a Town sewer system becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system, as provided for in Article IV, § 172-8, a direct connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with this chapter. Any person obtaining a permit to connect to the public sewer shall be required to allow the existing septic tank or cesspool or other private sewage disposal facilities as hereinafter prescribed in Article VI to be cleaned or replaced by the Sewer District as determined by the Administrator prior to connection to the Town sewer system.
Where service through a Town sewer system becomes available to an existing private sewage disposal system, whether or not such system was constructed prior to the adoption of this chapter, the Administrator shall, before issuing a permit for connection to the Town sewer system, have the right to perform such tests and inspections as may be required to ascertain the completeness and integrity of the private sewage disposal system, and to require all necessary repairs to be made by the owner, at no expense to the Sewer District, to make the private sewage disposal system acceptable for connection to the Town sewer system as required by this chapter, or such additional rules, regulations and specifications as may be adopted by the Town Board.