As used in this chapter, the following terms
shall have the meaning indicated:
The use and production for commercial purposes of all those
items and products as defined in NYS Agriculture and Markets Law § 301,
including but not limited to plants and animals useful to man, including
fruits, viniculture, nuts, vegetables, greenhouse plants, tree nurseries,
Christmas trees, forages, sod crops, grains, feed crops, dairy, processing
of farm-produced dairy products, all domestic livestock for breeding
and grazing and the equine industry, aquaculture, hydroponics, woody
biomass, horticulture, maple sap, and other similar uses and activities.
The sale or transfer of any development right in real property
acquired under this chapter by or from the Town of New Paltz to another
person or entity and shall include, without limitation, changes or
amendments in the terms or provisions of conservation easements held
by the Town.
A report and plan, including photographs, maps and narrative,
that documents the current state of the property at the time that
it, or an interest in it, is acquired pursuant to this chapter; and
outlines the plan to monitor preservation of this state and remedies
in the event of noncompliance with the easement or other requirements
of the purchase of the interests in property. In the case of an easement
that is purchased by the Town, the baseline report and monitoring
plan is the document that describes how the easement will be monitored.
The baseline report and monitoring plan should document features that
are important to the CWOSP Commission and Town Board in its decision
to acquire the property or interest in it. The baseline report and
monitoring plan must be signed and acknowledged before a notary by
the seller(s) of the property or interests in the property, the Chair
or Vice Chair of the CWOSP Commission, and the Town Supervisor or
his/her designee.
A negative easement in gross that restricts the use of real
property to conservation purposes described in a deed of easement
or other legal document.
Those rights permitted to real property or land with respect
to residential or commercial uses or density of use in accordance
with law.
A landowner with property that has at least a minimum score
under the scoring criteria established by the CWOSP Commission, consistent
with the New Paltz Open Space Plan.
Include any legally recognized interests or rights in real
property, including fee simple ownership, ownership of development
rights or easements, options to purchase interests in property, leases
of property or development rights, and other interests or rights.
Interests in property may also be term interests that expire after
a set amount of time.
A report produced at least annually by the CWOSP Commission,
Town, or a private entity hired or designated by the CWOSP Commission
or Town that documents compliance with the baseline report and monitoring
plan. Upon completion, the monitoring report should be signed by the
report author, accepted by vote of the CWOSP Commission and signed
by its Chair, and signed by the property owner, if applicable. In
the event that the property owner refuses to sign, the refusal should
be documented. Copies of the report shall be distributed to all holders
of the baseline report and monitoring plan and otherwise filed, distributed
and publicized in a manner that promotes public capacity to monitor
the quality of the assets acquired under this chapter.
Parcels of land that are not receiving agricultural assessment.
Such open space may be part of a significant viewshed, harbor significant
biodiversity and/or endangered species or abundant animal habitats,
protect a vital aquifer, be adjacent to an already existing parcel
of conserved land, be proximate to a public facility, contain a year-round
stream or body of water, have an historic structure (or structures)
or proven Native American landmarks and artifacts, or border a scenic
The ability of soils to absorb and transmit water from the
surface toward the subsoil without an artificial or natural barrier.
This term relates to the qualitative evaluation of soils for agricultural
A situation in which a member of the CWOSP Commission or
his/her family could specifically benefit from an action taken by
the CWOSP Commission. For purposes of this definition, "family members"
include spouses and domestic partners, parents and parents-in-law,
stepparents, siblings and stepsiblings, children and stepchildren,
grandparents and grandchildren. For purposes of this definition, "specifically
benefit" means any reward that accrues in a greater amount to the
CWOSP Commission member in question than to other citizens of New
Paltz. For example, a potential conflict of interest would arise if
the Commission considered purchasing interest in property next to
a Commission member's mother's home or in a farm where a Commission
member's spouse works.
Anything constructed, erected or moved from other premises
and located in, on or under the ground, or attached to anything in,
on or under the ground, including fences.
[Amended 4-18-2019 by L.L. No. 4-2019]
The New Paltz Clean Water and Open Space Protection Commission
is hereby established and hereinafter referred to as "the CWOSP Commission"
or "the Commission." The Commission's purpose is, with the Town Board,
to execute the elements of this chapter.
The CWOSP Commission's role is to advise and
assist the Town Board in implementing this chapter and to help the
Town protect agricultural, open, and undeveloped land and other natural
resources. The Commission shall have the authority to:
A. Hold informational meetings;
B. Communicate with landowners and others about programs,
described in this chapter and elsewhere, that support the preservation
of open, agricultural and environmentally significant lands;
C. Encourage and solicit applications from landowners
to programs that acquire interests in property;
D. Develop ranking criteria for evaluation of properties
consistent with the open space plan.
E. Consider acquisition or interests in agricultural
lands; the Committee shall make every effort to enlist at least two
but no more than three farmers from outside the Town of New Paltz
to assist in the preparation of on-site reviews of agricultural lands
and facilities, to interview applicants, to study applications, to
determine the extent to which farms exhibit values consistent with
criteria established by the Commission, to arrive at a ranking of
applicants and to submit the results to the Commission;
F. Assist the Town Board in the execution of this chapter,
including recommending expenditures of revenues and fees associated
with this chapter and interest on monies in the fund in accordance
with the purposes of this chapter;
G. Promulgate, subject to Town Board approval, procedural
rules, regulations and establishment of fees necessary to carry out
the purposes and intent of this chapter and to administer its provisions,
including evaluation and ranking of applicants for acquisition of
interests in property;
H. Offer review, analysis and other assistance with the
application process;
I. Establish baseline report and monitoring plans on
each interest in property acquired in accordance with this chapter;
ensure at least annual completion of monitoring reports and compliance
with the baseline reports and with conservation easements where applicable;
formally review annual monitoring reports and other reports on compliance
with terms of the baseline reports and conservation easements where
applicable; take prompt and effective action to protect the rights,
of the Town of New Paltz should it discover inconsistencies between
the baseline reports, conservation easements held or owned by the
Town and current conditions;
J. Make baseline reports, monitoring plans, monitoring
reports, and conservation easements easily available so that the public
can monitor the investments that the Town has made in interests in
K. In cases where the town has or intends to acquire
development rights, serve as a review board for the making of recommendations
for the location, construction, or moving of structures onto or within
all lands on which development rights have been acquired with respect
to any applications pending before any other local governmental board,
body or agency;
L. Provide input on any matters relating to the acquisition
of development rights as they relate to the Town;
M. Seek funds to increase and leverage monies in the
fund from government and private sources;
N. Complete applications for federal, state and other
grant funding available for programs to preserve open space, farmland
and other lands consistent with the purpose of this chapter and hire
grant writers if needed for same; and
O. Have such powers and exercise such duties as are set
forth in this chapter.
The fund shall be used exclusively:
A. To implement the Town's clean water, open space and
agricultural land acquisition program described in this chapter;
B. To acquire interests in property for the preservation
of agricultural land, open space and other land within the Town.
The Town may enter into agreements with corporations
organized under the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law to engage in land
trust activities to manage lands, including less-than-fee interests
acquired pursuant to this chapter. Any such agreement shall contain
a provision that such corporation shall keep the lands accessible
to the public unless such corporation shall demonstrate to the satisfaction
of the Town that public accessibility would be detrimental to the
lands or any natural features associated therewith.
The Town Board may accept by gift interests
in property on terms and conditions acceptable to the Town Board.
If so designated, such lands and or rights, including, among other
things, development rights, shall be deemed to have been acquired
under the clean water, open space and agricultural land acquisition
program and shall be subject to the same diligence established by
this chapter and related amendments and regulations, including requirements
to establish a baseline report and monitoring plan.
The Commission shall have access to attorneys
for the Town, designated by the Town Board, in matters requiring legal
Because the preparation and review of monitoring
reports is critical to the preservation of Town assets, the CWOSP
Commission or, in the event the CWOSP Commission becomes dormant or
ceases to exist, the Town Board may delegate the annual preparation
and review of these reports to another body of the Town, to another
government agency, to an independent contractor under contract to
provide such services to the Town, or to a nonprofit corporation with
a bona fide interest in preservation of the interests in property
acquired through this chapter.