It is the intent of the Town of New Paltz to
preserve steep slopes to the greatest extent practicable and to regulate
their use to protect the public interest by minimizing detrimental
effects of disturbance and development of these areas. This section
is intended to protect the public from the potential negative impacts
of the erosion, siltation, pollution of water supplies, slope failure,
increase in downstream runoff, alteration of scenic views, and destruction
of potentially significant habitat, which may result from disturbance
of steep slopes.
As used in this chapter, the following terms
shall have the meanings indicated:
All agricultural operations and activities related to the
growing or raising of crops, livestock or livestock products, and
agricultural products, as such terms are defined in or governed by
the Agriculture and Markets Law of the State of New York on lands
qualified under Ulster County and NYS law for an agricultural exemption
by the Assessor of the Town of New Paltz.
The maximum angle at which the exposed face of various soil
and rock minerals can deviate from the horizontal without incurring
the likelihood of slope failure.
A person requesting a steep slope permit from the Town of
New Paltz in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
The municipal agency or public official empowered to administer
the permit procedures of this chapter.
Any activity which removes or significantly disturbs trees,
brush, grass, or any other type of vegetation.
Land maintenance involving tree trimming and pruning, the
removal of dead and/or diseased vegetation, lawn and garden care and
the planting of decorative trees, shrubs, and plants.
To fill, place, eject, or dump any material (not including
The removal of vegetation, excavation, regrading, filling,
removal of soil, rock or retaining structures in areas of steep slope,
or any combination thereof, whether by manual labor, machine, or explosive,
and shall include the conditions resulting from any excavation or
fill. The condition of disturbance will be deemed to continue until
the area of disturbance is revegetated and/or permanently stabilized.
Any steep slope area for which a disturbance is proposed
or is ongoing.
The gravitational movement of water or other liquids by surface
runoff or surface flow.
The wearing away of the land surface by action of wind, water,
gravity, or other natural forces.
Any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock or any other similar
material is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced
or spread.
Any act by which earth, sand, gravel, rock, or any other
material is deposited, placed, replaced, dumped, transported, or moved
by person or persons to a new location and shall include conditions
resulting therefrom.
An ecosystem supporting a dense growth of trees covering
a large area. The fence rows alone do not constitute a forest system.
The alteration of the surface or subsurface conditions of
land, lakes, ponds, or watercourses by excavating or filling.
A written description of land management and stewardship
practices employed on the property, and how such practices are in
keeping with the intent of this Local Law as set forth in the "purpose"
section herein. Said written description shall include an enumeration
of all such land management practices, but does not need to be specific
in terms of location, scope or duration of said practices.
The application of a layer of plant residue or other material
for the purpose of controlling erosion.
Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation,
company, organization or other legal entity of any kind, including
public agencies and municipal corporations.
Cutting vegetation to the ground, leaving it as stumpage,
extracting it completely, or killing it by spraying.
Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension,
is being transported, has been deposited, or has been removed from
its site of origin by erosion.
One or more lots or parcels of land, where regrading work
is performed as a single unified operation.
The map or drawn representation of a proposed development,
which is submitted to the municipal approval authority for consideration
and approval.
The activities of stripping, removal, excavating, filling,
and grading, no matter what the purpose of these activities.
The natural, unconsolidated, mineral and organic material
occurring on the surface of the Earth; it is a medium for the growth
of plants.
The protection of soil by careful management in order to
prevent physical loss by erosion and to avoid chemical deterioration.
Measures which protect soil from the erosive forces or raindrop
impact and flowing water and include, but are not limited to, vegetation
establishment, mulching and the early application of gravel base on
roads to be paved.
The systematic examination and mapping of soil in the field.
The law pursuant to Article 8 of the New York Environmental
Conservation Law providing for environmental quality review of actions
which may have a significant effect on the environment.
Any geographical area proposed for disturbance, whether on
a single lot or not, having a topographical gradient of 15% or greater
(ratio of vertical distance to horizontal distance), with a minimum
horizontal dimension of 10 feet, and a minimum area as defined below,
and whether man-made or natural, and whether created by a retaining
structure or not. Steep slopes are further categorized as:
MODERATELY STEEP SLOPE- A slope equal to or greater than 15% but less than 25% and covering a minimum horizontal area of 3/10 acre or 13,068 square feet.
EXTREMELY STEEP SLOPE- A slope greater than 25% and covering a minimum horizontal area of 2/10 acre or 8,712 square feet.
A written form of municipal approval granted by the approving
authority and required for the issuance of a work permit and the conduct
of any "steep-slope-regulated activity."
The configuration of the land surface, including its relief
and the position of its natural and man-made features.
Covered or provided with vegetation or plant life.
The process of vegetating, the faculty of growth possessed
by plants and seeds.
The approval authority with respect to applications
hereunder shall be as follows:
A. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall be the approval
authority with respect to any application which requires the issuance
of any other permit or approval by it pursuant to the local laws of
the Town of New Paltz.
B. The Planning Board shall be the approval authority
with respect to any application which requires the issuance of any
other permit or approval by it pursuant to the local laws of the Town
of New Paltz, including any application which also requires the issuance
or approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
C. The Town of New Paltz Town Board shall be the approval
authority with respect to any application which requires the issuance
of any permit or other approval by it pursuant to the laws, rules
and regulations of the State of New York and/or the local laws of
the Town of New Paltz.
D. The Town of New Paltz Town Engineer or other qualified
representative that is duly authorized by the Town Board shall be
the approval authority with respect to all other regulated activities.
In denying, granting or granting with modifications any application for a permit, the approval authority shall consider the consistency of the proposed activity with the findings set forth in §
140-133 of this chapter and the following standards:
A. Alterations of trees and forests and topographical
alterations on steep slopes shall conform with any applicable regulations
of the Town of New Paltz.
B. Activities within wetlands and their adjacent area,
and within the regulated areas of protected streams shall be in conformance
with the applicable federal and state regulatory requirements.
C. Disturbance of areas with steep slopes should conform
with the following provisions:
(1) The planning, design, and development of buildings
shall provide the maximum structural safety, slope stability and human
enjoyment while adapting the affected site to, and taking advantage
of, the best use of the natural terrain.
(2) The terracing of building sites, including the mounding
of septic tile fields, shall be kept to an absolute minimum.
(3) The roads and driveways shall follow the natural topography
to the greatest extent possible in order to minimize the potential
for erosion and shall be consistent with other applicable regulations
of the Town of New Paltz and current engineering practices.
(4) Replanting shall consist of indigenous vegetation
and shall replicate the original vegetation on the site as much as
(5) The natural elevations and vegetative cover of ridgelines
shall be disturbed only if the crest of a ridge and the treeline at
the ridge remains unobstructed. This may be accomplished either by
positioning buildings and areas of disturbance below a ridgeline or
by positioning buildings and areas of disturbance at a ridgeline so
that the elevation of the roofline is no greater than the elevation
of the natural treeline. However, under no circumstances shall more
than 100 feet along the ridgeline, to a width of 100 feet generally
centered on the ridgeline, be disturbed.
(6) Regrading shall blend in with the natural contours
of the land.
(7) Cuts and fills shall be rounded off to eliminate sharp
angles at the top, bottom, and sides of regraded slopes.
(8) The angle of cut and fill slopes shall not exceed
a slope of one vertical to two horizontal except where retaining walls,
structural stabilization, or other methods acceptable to the Town
Engineer are used.
(9) Tops and bottoms of cut and fill slopes shall be set
back from structures a distance that will ensure the safety of the
structure in the event of the collapse of the cut or fills slopes.
Generally, such distance shall be considered to be six feet plus 1 1/2
the height of the cut or fill. Nevertheless, a structure built on
a slope or at the toe of a slope is permitted if it is properly designed
to retain the slope and withstand the forces exerted on it by the
retained slope.
The disturbance of rock outcrops shall be by
means of explosive only if labor and machines are not effective and
only if rock blasting is conducted in accordance with all applicable
regulations of the Town of New Paltz and the State of New York.
Disturbance of steep slopes shall be undertaken
in workable units in which the disturbance can be completed and stabilized
in one construction sequence so that areas are not left bare and exposed
during winter and spring thaw periods (December 15 through April 15).
Disturbance of existing vegetative groundcover
shall not take place more than 15 days prior to grading and construction.
Temporary soil stabilization, including, if
appropriate, temporary stabilization measures such as netting or mulching
to secure soil during the grow-in period, must be applied to an area
of disturbance not longer than two days after establishing the final
grade, and permanent stabilization must be applied within 15 days
of establishing the final grade.
Soil stabilization must be applied not longer
than two days after disturbance, if the final grade is not expected
to be established within 60 days.
Measures for the control of erosion and sedimentation
shall be undertaken consistent with the New York State Guidelines
for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition, or its equivalent
(satisfactory to the approval authority).
All proposed disturbance of steep slopes shall
be undertaken with consideration of the soils limitations characteristics
contained in the Soils Survey of Ulster County, 1979, as prepared
by the Soil Conservation Service, in terms of recognition of limitation
of soils on steep slopes for development and application of all mitigating
measures as deemed necessary by the approval authority.
Topsoil shall be stripped from all areas of
disturbance and then stockpiled and stabilized in a manner to minimize
erosion and sedimentation and replaced elsewhere on the site at the
time of final grading. Stockpiling shall not be permitted on slopes
greater than 10%.
No organic material or rock shall be used as
fill material that is of a size that will not allow appropriate compaction
or cover by topsoil. Fill materials shall be no less granular than
the soil upon which it is placed and shall drain readily.
Compaction of fill materials and fill areas
shall be such to ensure support of proposed structures and stabilization
for intended uses.
In granting a permit, the approval authority
shall require a security (in an amount and with surety and conditions
satisfactory to it), securing to the Town of New Paltz compliance
with the conditions and limitations set forth in the permit.
All actions by the Planning Board under the
provisions of this chapter shall comply with the provisions of the
State Environmental Quality Review Act under Article 8 of the Environmental
Conservation Law and its implementing regulations.
Any person or persons jointly or severally aggrieved
by any decision of the Planning Board, and/or the Town Board, and/or
the Zoning Board of Appeals, and/or the Town Engineer and/or their
duly authorized representative under this article may apply to the
Supreme Court of the State of New York for relief through a proceeding
under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules of the State
of New York. Such proceeding shall be governed by the specific provisions
of Article 78, except that the action must be commenced within 30
days after the filing of the decision of the Planning Board, or of
the Zoning Board of Appeals, or of the Town Engineer, or of such duly
authorized representative, as the case may be, in the office of the
Town Clerk in accordance with applicable provisions of New York State
Town Law.