[Amended by Acts of 2018, Ch. 76, approved 4-12-2018; Acts of 2020, Ch. 164, approved 8-25-2020]
The select board and school committee shall meet and confer as necessary prior to and during the budget process to review the financial condition of the town, revenue and expenditure forecasts and other relevant information in order to develop a coordinated and balanced budget. The finance committee shall participate in the discussions with the select board and the school committee in an advisory capacity. The school superintendent and the town manager shall jointly develop guidelines consistent with policies developed by the select board and school committee.
Within a time fixed by bylaw prior to the annual town meeting, the town manager shall submit to the finance committee a proposed budget and capital improvement program for the ensuing fiscal year with an accompanying budget message and supporting documents. The budget message submitted by the town manager shall explain the budget in fiscal terms and in terms of work programs for all town agencies. It shall outline the proposed fiscal policies of the town for the ensuing fiscal year; describe important features of the proposed budget and indicate any major variations from the current budget, fiscal policies, expenditures and revenues together with reasons for such change. The proposed budget shall provide a complete fiscal plan of all town funds and activities and shall be in the form the town manager deems desirable.
The preliminary budget as adopted by the school committee shall be submitted to the town manager at least ninety days prior to the spring session of the annual town meeting to enable the town manager to consider the effect of the school department's requested appropriation upon the total town budget which is required to be submitted under this section.
[Amended by Acts of 2018, Ch. 76, approved 4-12-2018]
The finance committee shall, upon receipt of the budget and capital improvement program, consider in public meetings the detailed expenditures for each town agency proposed by the town manager. The finance committee may confer with representatives from any town agency in connection with its deliberations. The finance committee may request the town manager or any town agency to provide additional information. The finance committee shall submit the proposed budget and report its recommendations for action prior to the date on which the town meeting is to act on the proposed budget. The budget to be acted upon by the town meeting shall be the budget proposed by the town manager with the accompanying recommendations of the finance committee.
[Amended by Acts of 2020, Ch. 164, approved 8-25-2020]
The town manager shall, in conjunction with the capital planning committee, submit a capital improvement program to the select board and finance committee at the date fixed by bylaw for the submission of the proposed operating budget unless some other time is provided by bylaw.
Annually the select board, in conjunction with the town manager, shall prepare a five year financial forecast of town revenue, expenditures and the general financial condition of the town. The plan shall be submitted to the finance committee and shall be available to the public.
Warrants for payments of town funds prepared by the Town Accountant shall be submitted to the Town Manager for approval.
The treasurer shall be responsible for the management of all town funds.
[Amended by Acts of 2018, Ch. 76, approved 4-12-2018; Acts of 2020, Ch. 164, approved 8-25-2020; 10-17-2022 ATM by Art. 19, ratified 4-4-2023]
The select board shall provide for an annual audit of the books and accounts of the town to be made by a certified public accountant, or firm of accountants, who have no personal interest, direct or indirect, in fiscal affairs of the town government or any of its offices; provided, however, that any certified public accountant or firm of accountants that conducts said audit shall change the audit team that performs the audit at least every five years.