Accounting System, State
Ch. 598, Acts of 1910
(1921 ATM Art. 7)
Authorizes the installation of the State Accounting System
Ch. 44, § 53E
(5-5-1986 ATM Art. 16)
Revolving accounts
Ch. 40, § 4G
(5-4-1987 ATM Art. 23)
Advertising municipal contract, etc.
Ch. 44, § 53E
(6-4-1990 ATM)
Appropriate certain anticipated receipts
Ch. 44, § 53F 1/2
(10-20-1997 ATM Art. 15; 4-25-2016 ATM Art. 10)
Enterprise fund
Accountant, Town
Ch. 264, Acts of 1910
Authorizes the Selectmen to appoint a Town Accountant
Ch. 252, Acts of 1916
(12-17-1920 STM Art. 2)
Appeals, Board of
Ch. 40, § 30A
(now Ch. 40A, § 20)
(3-12-1956 ATM Art 71)
Restricts reconsideration of previously rejected matters by the Board of Appeals
Ch. 889, Acts of 1971
(5-6-1974 ATM Art. 28)
$1,000 per year additional compensation
Ch. 60A, § 1
(5-21-1984 ATM Art. 49)
Tax exemption for veterans
Ch. 59, § 5
(5-11-1987 STM)
Exemption of certain real estate from taxes
Ch. 59, § 5
(5-11-1987 STM Art. 13)
Exemption of certain real estate
Ch. 59, § 5
(41C and 17D)
(5-1-1989 ATM Art. 13)
Exemption for low-income residents
Ch. 653, § 40, Acts of 1989
(4-23-1990 STM)
Change in assessment dates
Ch. 59, § 5
(5-4-1992 ATM Art. 7)
Blind exemption ($500)
Ch 59, § 5J
(4-30-1998 ATM)
Phased-in assessment for owner who improves occupied historic property
Ch. 39, § 23D
Allowing members of boards, commissions and committees who have missed a single adjudicatory hearing to participate in a decision on the matter under certain circumstances
Ch. 59, § 5K
(4-27-2000 ATM Art. 13)
Senior citizens property tax work-off abatement program, effective beginning in Fiscal Year 2001
Ch. 134, Acts of 2015
Designating Lance Corporal Andrew J. Zabierek Memorial Bridge
Building Line
Ch. 82, § 37
(General Laws of 1921)
(4-2-1923 STM Art. 2)
Authorizes the establishment of a building line (setback) from existing streets or ways and prohibits the erection of buildings within said line when established
Ch. 264, Acts of 1890
Authorizes the election of Cemetery Commissioners
Chelmsford Country Club
Golf course
Ch. 44, § 53F 1/2
(10-17-2011 ATM Art. 8)
Allows Town to establish an "enterprise fund"
Civil Service
Ch. 31, § 48
(1944 ATM Art. 10)
Civil service status for police officers
Police Chief
Ch. 31, § 49
(1944 ATM Art. 11)
Civil service status for Chief of Police
Ch. 366, Acts of 1993
(10-21-1993 ATM Art. 12)
Exempt Police Chief from civil service
Ch. 31, § 48
(3-7-1966 ATM by ballot)
Civil service status for member of Fire Department
Ch. 112, Acts of 2024
Exempt Deputy Fire Chief from civil service
Conservation Commission
Ch. 40, § 8c
(1961 ATM Art. 27)
Establishing Conservation Commission
Ch. 45, § 21
(5-19-1977 ATM Art. 59)
Care and management of Town Forest
Ch. 287, Acts of 1988
(5-1-1989 ATM Art. 30)
Special legislation to establish Chelmsford-Carlisle Regional Conservation District
Ch. 120, Acts of 2000
Granting of sewer easement to town
Community Preservation Act
Ch. 44B
(2-26-2001 STM Art. 1)
Acceptance of Act
Council on Aging
Ch. 44, § 53E 1/2
(5-1-1997 ATM)
Authorizing a revolving fund for Senior Trip Program
Ch. 140, § 147A
(5-5-1986 ATM Art. 18)
(10-17-2005 ATM Art. 14)
Regulation of dogs
Nomination Papers
Ch. 53, § 9A
(4-25-2011 ATM Art. 14)
Obtaining of blank nomination papers; statement by candidate
Official Ballots
Ch. 11, § 364 (Rev. Laws)
(1-29-1903 STM Art. 3)
Authorizing the use of official ballots at Town Election
8-Hour Day
Ch. 54, Acts of 1909
(now Ch. 148, § 31)
(1914 ATM)
8-hour day for town employees
Retirement System
Ch. 32, §§ 1 to 28
(11-5-1946 state election)
Accept provisions of retirement system
Ch. 44, § 65
(6-13-1949 STM Art. 5)
Authorizes the payment in advance of vacation pay
Ch. 41, § 111
(6-13-1949 STM Art. 6)
Authorized two weeks' vacation annually without loss of pay to municipal employees
Ch. 647, Acts of 1960
(3-13-1961 ATM Art. 53)
Pension increase for retired employees
Ch. 820, Acts of 1950
(12-11-1950 STM Art. 13)
Authorizes increase in pension benefits to retired employees
Group Insurance
Ch. 32B
(1961 ATM, by ballot)
Authorizes group insurance benefits for town employees and their families
Ch. 32B, § 9A
(1970 ATM by ballot)
Town to pay 1/2 the cost of group insurance
Ch. 32B, § 9D
(4-25-1983 ATM)
Surviving spouse insurance
Ch. 41, § 111
(12-11-1950 STM Art. 13)
Retired police officers and fire fighters, hospital, etc., expenses
Ch. 32B, § 9D
(4-25-1983 ATM Art. 24)
1/2 premium costs payable by surviving spouse
Ch. 32B, § 7A
(4-25-1983 ATM Art. 24)
Addition rate
Ch. 41, § 100A
(1970 ATM Art. 14)
Indemnification of town employees for damage sustained in the operation of town vehicles
Ch. 41, § 111D
(1969 ATM by ballot)
Extension of vacation benefits for members of Police and Fire Departments
Reserve Fund for Compensated Absences
Ch. 40, § 13D
(10-15-2012 ATM Art. 4)
Establish reserve fund for future payment of accrued liabilities for compensated absences due upon termination
Early Retirement
Ch. 133, § 48, Acts of 1992
(10-19-1992 ATM Art. 4)
Early retirement incentive
Ch. 399, § 48, Acts of 1992
(4-26-1993 ATM Art. 13)
Early retirement incentive
Ch. 32B, § 20
(10-17-2011 ATM Art. 4)
Allows Town to establish an Other Post-Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund
Health Benefits
Ch. 32B, § 18
(10-16-2006 ATM Art. 6)
Requires all retirees, their spouses and dependents who are enrolled in Medicare Part A at no cost to the retiree, spouse or dependents, or eligible for coverage thereunder at no cost to the retiree, spouse or dependents, to enroll in a Medicare health benefits supplemental plan offered by the Town
Ch. 69, Acts of 2011
(Board of Selectmen, 7-25-2011)
Authorizes Town to modify employee health plans without going through the full collective bargaining process
Expedited permitting
Ch. 43D
(10-20-2008 ATM Art. 13)
Allows Town to designate priority development sites and confers eligibility for technical assistance funding
Ch. 40, § 22F
(4-25-2005 STM Art. 3)
Allows Town boards and officers to fix reasonable fees for licenses, permits and certificates, and reasonable fees for services provided by such board or officer
Fire Department
Ch. 148, § 6
(General Laws of 1921)
(1923 ATM Art. 21)
Authorizes Fire Department officials to enter buildings to make inspections of fire hazards
Ch. 48, §§ 42 to 44
(1954 ATM Art. 103)
Establishment of Fire Department to be under the control of a Chief
Ch. 48, § 59A
(Board of Selectmen, 5-2-1966)
Mutual aid and participation in parades
Ch. 148, § 26C
(5-21-1979 ATM Art. 4)
Smoke and heat detectors
Ch. 148, § 26G
(5-23-1983 ATM Art. 45)
Automatic sprinklers
Ch. 45, Acts of 2013
Authorizes the Town to continue the employment of Fire Chief Michael Curran until June 30, 2015, until the date of his retirement or until the date he is relieved of his duties by the Town Manager, whichever occurs first
Work Week
Ch. 48, § 58D
(1969 ATM by ballot)
Authorizes 42-hour week for firefighters
Handicapped Commission
Ch. 40, § 8J
(1-27-1986 STM Art. 2)
Establish Handicapped Commission (Commission on Disabilities)
Health (Board of)
Ch. 29C, § 1
(5-1-1997 ATM Art. 30)
Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust
Highway Surveyor
Ch. 11, § 336
(Rev. Laws)
(1903 ATM Art. 16)
Authorizes town to elect, annually, a Highway Surveyor
Historical Commission
Ch. 40, § 8D
(3-14-1966 ATM Art. 13)
Authorizes the creation of an Historical Commission
Historical District
Boundaries of district
(5-8-1975 ATM Art. 35)
Establish Historic District
Housing Authority
Ch. 121B
(1970 ATM Art. 53)
Establishing of a Housing Authority
Ch. 571, Acts of 1989
Designate as the Ruth K. Delaney Housing for the Elderly
Ice Skating Rink - Tully Forum (Brick Kiln Road - Chelmsford-Billerica Line)
Ch. 141 H.B. No. 5340
Sec. 10, 1998
2nd Annual Session
Approved 5-28-1998
Authorizes the Division of Capital Planning and Operations to enter into a lease of certain property within the Town of Chelmsford
Industrial Development Commission
Ch. 297, Acts of 1954
(1954 ATM Art. 43)
Authorizes the creation of an Industrial Development Commission
Ch. 40, § 8A
(1956 ATM Art. 73)
Establishment of an Industrial Development Commission
Industrial Development Finance Authority
Ch. 40D
(1974 ATM Art. 31)
Establishment of an Industrial Development Finance Authority
Insurance Fund
Ch. 191, Acts of 1905
(1907 ATM)
Establishment of municipal building insurance
Ch. 718, Acts of 1977
(5-19-1977 ATM Art. 61)
Abolish Sinking Fund Commission
Ch. 347, Acts of 1890
(1893 ATM Art. 12)
Authorizing the State Board of Library Commissioners to assist any town which accepts this Act in the establishment and maintenance of a free public library
Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 168, Acts of 2015
Authorizing the Town to hold licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises
Ch. 136, § 4B
(3-18-1960 STM Art. 1)
Permits the licensing of bowling on the Lord's Day
Ice Cream
Ch. 423, Acts of 1909
(now Ch. 136, § 7)
(1917 ATM Art. 30)
Sale of ice cream, confectionery on the Lord's Day may be licensed
Ch. 138, § 12B
(10-23-1995 ATM Art. 14)
Prohibition of nudity in any premises licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
Picnic Groves
Ch. 309, Acts of 1885
(1900 ATM Art. 13)
Authorizes the granting of licenses to establish, let, keep open and maintain a grove to be used for picnics and other gatherings
Sports and Games
Ch. 136, §§ 21 to 28
(7-2-1923 STM Art. 8)
Licenses may be issued for sports and games on the Lord's Day
Moderator - Election
Ch. 835, § 397, Acts of 1913
(1913 STM Art. 12)
Authorizes the election of a moderator on official ballots for a 1-year term
Motor Vehicles
Parking Violations
Ch. 90, § 20A
(10-4-1965 STM Art. 7; 4-26-2010 ATM Art. 15[1])
Requires the visible tagging of motor vehicles for violations of law
Ch. 90, § 20C
(5-21-1979 ATM Art. 38; 12-4-1981 STM Art. 2)
Violation of parking regulations, etc.
Ch. 90, §§ 20D and 20E
(12-4-1981 STM Art. 2)
Disposition, penalties, violations on motor vehicles, etc. (Parking Clerk)
Ch. 40, § 22D
(3-12-1962 ATM Art. 38)
Authority to tow illegally parked cars
Park Commission
Ch. 28, §§ 1 to 14
(Rev. Laws)
(1909 ATM Art. 2)
Authorizes the establishment of a Park Commission with certain powers
Planning Board
Ch. 41, §§ 81A to 81J
(1973 ATM Art. 3)
Establishment of a Planning Board with improved powers
Ch. 808
(1978 ATM Art. 31)
Ch. 41, § 81U, p. 13
(5-1-1989 ATM Art. 20)
Subdivision construction bond
Poles and wires
Ch. 415, Acts of 2010
Authorizes the Town to regulate the removal of aboveground utility poles, overhead wires and other associated structures and to regulate the installation of underground wires and associated structures
Police Department
Ch. 41, § 97 (General Laws of 1921)
(1928 ATM Art. 31)
Authorizes the establishment of a Police Department to be under the control of a Chief of Police ("weak chief form")
Uniforms (Police/Fire)
Ch. 40, § 6B
(1953 ATM Art. 18)
Authorizes town to expand funds for police/fire uniforms
Work Week
Ch. 147, § 16C
(3-10-1958 ATM Art. 66)
5-day week for police officers
Mutual Aid
Ch. 40, § 8G
(1974 ATM Art. 44)
Authorization of police mutual aid agreements
Ch. 291, Acts of 1990
(Art. 20)
Enhanced 911 Service
Ch. 360, Acts of 1987
(5-11-1987 STM Art. 5)
Appointment dates of certain officers
Ch. 41, § 108L
(10-20-1997 ATM Art. 6)
Quinn Bill
Ch. 264, Acts of 1886
(11-2-1886 STM Art. 2)
Divide into convenient voting precincts
Precincts Voting
Ch. 835, Acts of 1913, § 421
Authorizes use of precinct voting for town elections
Ch. 291, Acts of 1918, § 29
(12-17-1920 STM Art. 7)
Private Ways
Ch. 40, § 6F
(1954 ATM Art. 23)
Authorizes the town to expend public funds on private ways
Ch. 40, §§ 6C and 6G
(6-8-1976 ATM Art. 45)
Removal of ice and snow and temporary resurfacing
Recreation Commission
Ch. 45, § 14
(3-13-1961 ATM Art. 34)
Authority for Selectmen to appoint a Recreation Commission
Ch. 44, § 531/2
(5-4-1992 ATM Art. 10)
Supporting service revolving fund
Ch. 44, § 53D
(4-29-1993 ATM Art. 22)
Recreation and parks revolving fund
Registration - bicycles
Ch. 85, § 11A
(7-23-1942 STM Art. 8)
Authorizes the registration of bicycles
Ch. 431, Acts of 1888
(1896 ATM Art. 11)
Authorizes two or more towns to unite for the purpose of hiring a Superintendent of Schools
Regional Vocational
Ch. 71, §§ 16 to 16I
(10-4-1965 STM Art. 10)
Authorizes the creation of a Regional Vocational School District
Ch. 188, Acts of 1985
(1-27-1986 STM Arts. 1 and 2; 5-9-1988 ATM Art. 29; 4-24-1989 ATM Art. 5; 6-11-1990 ATM Art. 21)
Grants for Chelmsford and N.V.T.H.S.
Ch. 71, § 83, Acts of 1993
Early retirement for school personnel
Ch. 60, § 3C
(5-2-1996 ATM Art. 18)
Chelmsford Arts and Technology Education Fund
Ch. 71, § 71E
(5-3-1979 ATM Art. 42)
Expenditure by School Committee of receipts from certain programs
Ch. 71, § 71F
(10-16-2000 ATM Art. 21)
Establishment of revolving account for tuition payments for nonresident students and state reimbursements for foster-care children
Ch. 11, § 343
(2-21-1903 STM)
Authorizes town to designate Selectmen to also serve, by virtue of their office, as Assessors and Overseers of the Poor
Sewer Commission
Ch. 41, § 63
(1969 ATM Art. 69)
Establishment of a Sewer Commission
Ch. 83, § 16, pp. A to F
(9-25-1986 STM Art. 2)
Collection of liens
Ch. 420, Acts of 1985 Ch. 138, Acts of 1987
Establishing an Industrial Sewer District
Ch. 59, § 5, Clause 54
(10-19-2015 ATM Art. 14)
Establishing a minimum value of personal property subject to taxation in the amount of $5,000
Ch. 60A, § 1
(10-19-2015 ATM Art. 15)
Motor vehicle excise exemption on one vehicle owned or leased and registered for nonbusiness use for Massachusetts residents who are in active military service and deployed outside Massachusetts for at least 45 days in the excise calendar year
Ch. 64L, § 2(a)
(8-17-2009 STM Art. 1)
Local meals excise tax, effective 10-1-2009
Ch. 184, § 51, Acts of 2002
(10-17-2005 ATM Art. 13)
Adjustment to senior citizen tax factors as set forth in MGL c. 59, § 5, to first apply in fiscal year 2006, beginning 7-1-2005
Town Clerk
Ch. 11, § 335
(Rev. Laws)
(2-21-1903 STM Art. 3)
Establish a 3-year term of office
Town Hall
Ch. 265, Acts of 1947
(now Ch. 41, § 110A)
(9-29-1947 STM Art. 4)
Close Town Hall on Saturday
Ch. 242, Acts of 1867
(1872 ATM Art. 9)
Prohibits the cutting down of any ornamental or shade tree without first giving notice to the Selectmen, who may prohibit its removal, the landowner being entitled to receive damages for the retention of the tree
Ch. 40, § 57
(9-25-1986 STM Arts. 8 and 9)
Grant for renewal of licenses affected by nonpayment of local taxes and fees
Ch. 60, § 15
(3-5-2009 STM Art. 2)
Fee for each written demand issued by Collector
Ch. 60, § 23A
(6-29-1978 STM)
Fees charged for furnishing certificate of lien
Ch. 64G, § 3A
(5-5-1986 ATM Art. 27;
8-17-2009 STM Art. 2)
Local room occupancy excise; rate increase
Ch. 80, § 13B
(11-30-1987 STM Art. 8)
Ch. 200A, § 9A
(10-24-2016 ATM Art. 15)
Procedure for providing notice and disposing of abandoned funds in the custody of the Town
Ch. 653, § 40, Acts of 1989
(4-23-1990 STM Art. 1)
Quarterly property tax billing
Ch. 653, § 41, Acts of 1989
(4-23-1990 STM Art. 2)
Change in assessment dates
Tully Forum
See Ice Skating Rink
Workmen's Compensation
Ch. 40, § 13A (General Laws of 1921)
(8-17-1931 STM Art. 19)
Authorizes self-insurance for workmen's compensation benefits
Ch. 152
(1951 ATM Art. 30)
Extends workmen's compensation coverage to all Town employees
Ch. 807, Acts of 1913
(now Ch. 152, §§ 69 to 75)
(1914 ATM, ballot vote)
Workmen's compensation for laborers, mechanics and workmen, for injuries received in public employment
Editor's Note: This article also repealed the former acceptance of Ch. 90, § 20A 1/2, by Art. 2 of the 12-4-1981 STM.