[Adopted 7-19-1999 by L.L. No. 8-1999; amended in its entirety 8-17-2009 by L.L. No. 4-2009]
The Planning Board shall consist of seven members. The appointment of any member of the Planning Board shall be made pursuant to § 7-718 of the Village Law of the State of New York.
The Mayor shall appoint, subject to the approval by the Board of Trustees, two alternate members of the Planning Board. Said alternate members shall be first appointed for a single term in order that the terms of members shall expire in each of five successive years, and thereafter said members shall serve for a full term of five years. An alternate member shall serve as a full voting member of the Planning Board where absences or conflicts of interest make it impossible to obtain a quorum.
No such alternate member shall take part in the consideration of any matter for which an application was on file with the Planning Board at the time of his or her appointment.