[HISTORY: Adopted by the Harford County Council by Bill No. 97-20. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended by Bill Nos. 01-01; 02-15; 03-18; 10-36; 13-45; 21-005; 22-023; 24-012]
The Harford County Sheriff's Office Pension Plan is hereby amended by repealing and reenacting, with amendments, Section 3.2(d)17 Credit for Prior Law Enforcement and Correctional Service, Section 4.5(b) Participant Contributions Limitations, and Appendix B Deferred Retirement Option Program Section B.2 Applicability and Eligibility, and the Plan is incorporated herein and adopted by reference in its entirety as though it were fully stated herein.
The Harford County Sheriff's Office Pension Plan Trust Agreement is incorporated herein and adopted by reference as though it were fully stated herein.[1]
Editor's Note: The Harford County Sheriff's Office Pension Plan Trust Agreement is on file with the County Administration.