[Adopted 11-24-1998 by Ord. No. 98-13 as Ch. 9, Art. XV, of the 1998 Code]
In accordance with N.J.S.A. App. A:9-41, there is hereby established the Ewing Township Emergency Management Council, comprised of 15 members appointed by the Mayor, who shall hold office at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be a member and shall serve as Chairperson of the Emergency Management Council. The Emergency Management Council shall assist the Township in establishing local volunteer agencies needed to meet the requirements of all local civilian defense and disaster control activities in accordance with rules and regulations established by the Governor of the State of New Jersey. The following groups shall be represented to the greatest extent possible by at least one member on the Emergency Management Council: local elected officials, police, fire, emergency management, first aid, health, environmental, hospital, public works, broadcast or print media, community group and owners or operators of facilities subject to SARA Title III.
As a condition of the appointment of the Emergency Management Coordinator and of the Coordinator's right to continue for the full term of the appointment, each Emergency Management Coordinator shall have successfully completed at the time of the appointment, or within one year immediately following the appointment, the current approved Home Study Course and the basic Emergency Management Workshop. The failure of an Emergency Management Coordinator to fulfill such requirement within the period prescribed shall disqualify the Coordinator from continuing in the Office of Coordinator and, thereupon, a vacancy in that office shall be deemed to have been created.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, activating, coordinating and conduct of emergency management operations within the Township. The Coordinator shall maintain liaison with county, state, federal and adjoining municipalities so as to assure the most effective emergency management operations.
Whenever, in the opinion of the Coordinator, a disaster has occurred or is imminent in the Township, the Coordinator shall proclaim a state of local disaster emergency within the Township. The Coordinator, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Director of Emergency Management, shall be empowered to issue and enforce such orders as may be necessary to implement and carry out emergency management operations and to protect the health, safety and resources of the residents of the Township.
The Emergency Management Coordinator shall appoint a Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, with the approval of the Mayor, for a term concurrent with that of the Coordinator. The Deputy shall be a resident of the Township and, wherever possible, shall be appointed from among the salaried officers or employees of the Township.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any unusual incident resulting from natural or unnatural causes which endangers the health, safety or resources of the residents of one or more municipalities of the state and which is or may become too large in scope or unusual in type to be handled in its entirety by regular municipal operating services.
Includes "disaster" or "emergency" as defined within this section.
Includes any disaster, or the imminence thereof, resulting from natural or unnatural causes other than enemy attack and limited to the extent that action by the Governor under this article is not required.
Includes any disaster occurring anywhere within the state as the result of enemy attack or the imminent danger thereof.