In congested districts, no pedestrian shall
cross the street, except in the most direct line from curb to curb
or from side to side, and a pedestrian shall not cross diagonally
or obliquely, except upon a crosswalk or an imaginary line of the
sidewalk of an intersecting street continued.
At the time of any public parade, accident,
riot, public peril or other circumstance causing people to congregate
or assemble, a person shall not enter or remain within the danger
line or other bounds established by the police officials of the town
or other officers of the town for the preservation of the public safety,
peace and order, unless such person is duly authorized by the officer
in charge.
A person shall not hinder or obstruct the construction
or repair of any pavement, sidewalk or crosswalk, sewer or other public
improvement which is being done under the direction of or with the
consent of the Town Board or hinder or obstruct any person employed
by the Town Board in cleaning any street.
A person shall not skate or slide upon or over
any sidewalk or crosswalk in such a manner as to hinder or endanger
Persons convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties provided in Chapter
1, General Provisions.