[Amended 11-6-2023 by L.L. No. 5-2023]
Properties within the Downtown District zone, as defined on the Zoning Map, are hereby placed under architectural control to preserve and enhance the appearance of historic Canastota.
An Architectural Review Board is hereby established, whose membership, with overlapping terms of five years, shall be appointed by the Village Board and be composed of five people, where possible, from the following categories: architects, landscape architects, engineers, artists, Planning Board members and persons having a knowledge of and interest in historic Canastota or architecture.
The procedure for obtaining architectural approval shall be as follows:
Any application for a building permit or sign permit shall be made to the Zoning Enforcement Officer with two copies of proposed plans, in accordance with § 230-69.
The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall, within 15 days, submit the plans to the Architectural Review Board for review.
The Review Board shall, within 30 days, render a written decision as to the acceptability of plans, based on the following considerations:
Harmony of exterior design, exterior materials, color scheme and landscaping, and compatibility with surrounding property.
Historical or architectural significance.
The Review Board shall either accept or reject the plans. If the plans are rejected, the Board shall state, in writing, reasons for rejection, but the application for a building permit shall not on account thereof be denied.
If the Review Board fails to render a decision within 30 days, the Zoning Enforcement Officer may issue a building permit.