The Council shall hold its regular and special meetings pursuant to § 3.7 of the City Charter.
All meetings of the Council shall be in the Council Chambers in the City Hall unless otherwise provided by the Council.
[Amended 2-1-1999]
Regular meetings of the Council shall be held at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month unless otherwise provided by the Council.
The Council shall elect a President Pro Tempore from among its membership. The President Pro Tempore shall serve as Presiding Officer of the Council in the absence of the Council President.
The Presiding Officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings of the Council. He or she shall state every question coming before the Council, announce the decision of the Council on all subjects and decide all questions of order.
The Council President, or such other member of the Council who may be presiding, is subject to such duties as imposed by the Charter, and shall not lose his or her vote as Councilman or his or her right to debate as a result of his or her acting as Presiding Officer of the Council and may, at his or her discretion, vote last or in his or her regular order.
The majority of all the members of the Council, whether or not there is a vacancy, shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting of the Council.
In the absence of a quorum, the Presiding Officer of the Council may compel the attendance of absent Council members.
[Amended 6-16-2009]
All reports, communication, local laws, ordinances, resolutions, contract documents or other matters to be submitted to the Council at its meeting shall be delivered to the City Clerk by 12:00 noon on Wednesday preceding the meeting. If a holiday falls on the Monday preceding the meeting the cut-off day for agenda items shall be by 12:00 noon on Thursday preceding the meeting. Matters shall not be considered by the Council, except by the consent of a majority of the Council.
[Amended 6-16-2009; 1-20-2016]
The City Clerk shall list matters received pursuant to § 5-17 in the order received according to the order of business provided for in § 5-22 and furnish each member of the Council and any department head concerned with a copy of such list. Items placed on the agenda shall be relevant to city/public business. A Council member may have an item placed on the agenda, provided it is relevant to Council business. A copy of the agenda shall be distributed for the public at the beginning of each Council meeting.