Unless otherwise provided by law, it shall be the duty of each officer and employee of the City during the period of his or her employment by the City, to maintain his or her residence and dwelling within the corporate limits of the City.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to any employee during a leave of absence duly granted. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section shall constitute misconduct and shall be cause for removal in the manner provided by law.
Each of the following officers and employees in the administrative service of the City shall be required to take an oath of office before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, which oath shall be subscribed by the person taking it and shall be filed and preserved in the office of the City Clerk.
Officers. The Mayor and each department and division head.
Public safety. Each member of the Department of Public Safety, including any private, special, temporary or substitute members which the City might find it necessary to appoint.
The Mayor and each department and division head shall take the following oath of office before entering upon the discharge of their official duties:
State of New York
County of Erie
) ss.
City of Lackawanna
I, __________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of New York, and the Charter, Local Laws and Ordinances of the City of Lackawanna, that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as _____________________________ during my continuance herein, that I am neither directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public service corporation engaged in business in the City of Lackawanna, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with said City, so help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this __ day of ___________, 20_____.
City Clerk
The members of the Department of Public Safety shall take the following oath before entering upon the discharge of their duties:
I, _______________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the State of New York, and the Charter, Local Laws and Ordinances of the City of Lackawanna, and that I will, to the best of my ability, faithfully perform the duties of the office of ___________________ during my continuance therein, so help me God.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of _______________, 20_____.
City Clerk
The following named City officials shall each, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, give a good and sufficient surety company bond to the City, duly approved by the City Attorney, and conditioned upon the faithful performance and discharge of their respective duties, and for proper application and payment of all money or property coming into their hands by virtue of their offices in the following amounts:
Amount of Bond
Director of Administration and Finance
City Treasurer
Each employee in Treasurer's office
City Clerk
Each employee in City Clerk's office
City Court Judge
Each employee of the City Court
Chief Engineer
In lieu of the foregoing, the Council may in its discretion authorize a blanket undertaking pursuant to § 11 of the Public Officers Law.
Each department in the administrative service of the City shall be restrictive in allowing personnel to accept private employment. All employees of the City who are employed in a full-time capacity shall not accept private employment which will impair their efficiency in the carrying out of their regularly assigned duties.
Each department head shall assign such personnel as may be required to serve other administrative agencies, boards and commissions. Such personnel assigned shall serve without extra compensation and shall serve during regular office hours, wherever practicable. If such personnel assignments are required at times other than regular office hours, such time shall be added to holiday and vacation periods. Members of the Police and Fire Divisions are excluded from this section and the rules and regulations of the Department of Public Safety shall govern such additional duties applying to members of such Divisions.
Each department and division head shall be obliged to appoint or assign only one person to each position for which there is a budget appropriation, and if there be no budget appropriation, then there shall be no appointment or assignment, unless it be to a board or commission which is unsalaried and requires no appropriation of monies.
[Amended 3-2-2010]
No person shall be appointed to more than one appointive position within the City; provided, however, that any department head may be simultaneously appointed to serve as head of any division or office within his or her department and provided further that a department head shall automatically assume the duties of the head of any division or office within his or her department in the event of a vacancy caused by death, resignation, removal or leave of absence of the head of any division or office and to assume said duties during the period of said vacancy. Except as hereby permitted, any other person holding dual appointments must resign within 10 days from one or the other of his appointments. This section does not apply to any nonsalaried or uncompensated position on the City's duly constituted boards, commissions or committees.
All fees paid by other governmental units for services rendered by City employees shall be owing to the City and not the personnel performing such services.
Investigations, hearings, etc. The Council, pursuant to its legislative powers, either itself or by any officer or person designated by it, may investigate, inquire and examine the Mayor, the department heads, or employees of any division, bureau or office of the City relative to any provision of this chapter, and may conduct and direct hearings according to law and subpoena officials and employees of the City to attend and be examined at said hearings.
Suspension, etc. Any person found by a majority of the Council to be in violation of any section of this chapter, following a hearing duly called, shall be suspended or disciplined in accordance with the Civil Service Law.
Elective public office in City. Any person permanently appointed to, and holding a position in, the competitive or noncompetitive class of the classified civil service of the City of Lackawanna who is elected or appointed to an elective public office in the City service shall be granted a leave or leaves of absence without pay from the position so held by him or her by the head of the department or City agency in which he or she is employed for the duration of the term of his or her public office or any part or parts thereof, provided such person makes written application for any such leave or leaves of absence to the head the department or City agency in which he or she is employed and specifically sets forth in said application the title of the public office to which he or she has been elected or appointed, the effective date of his or her election or appointment and the period of time for which any such leave or leaves of absence without pay is desired. The head of the department or City agency granting such leave of absence without pay shall file with the City Clerk, for presentation to the Council, a certificate setting forth the date on which the leave of absence begins and ends, and shall file a similar certificate with the City Civil Service Commission.
Seniority. Such person who is granted a leave or leaves of absence without pay from the competitive class position as hereinbefore provided shall be entitled to full seniority credit for all purposes for the duration of said leave or leaves of absence.
[Added 7-15-1996]
Pursuant to § 4.1, Lackawanna City Charter, it is hereby established that the salary for the office of the Mayor of the City of Lackawanna shall be determined annually at an amount $100 more than the salary provided for in the annual Budget Ordinance for the position of City Comptroller and to be not less than amount established by this ordinance.