Chief executive. The Mayor shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the City government.
Enforcement of laws. The Mayor shall enforce the laws of the City and require the faithful performance of all administrative duties.
Appointive power. The Mayor shall appoint competent, qualified officers and employees to the administrative service of the City and shall have the power to dismiss, suspend and discipline in accordance with the Civil Service Law and the Civil Service Rules of the City all officers and employees in the administrative service under his or her control. The Mayor shall immediately notify the City Clerk in writing of any action taken by him or her pursuant to this section.
Temporary appointments. The Mayor may designate himself or herself or some other officer or employee to perform the duties of any office or position in the administrative service under his or her control which is vacant or which lacks administration due to the absence or disability of the incumbent.
Power to assign employees according to classification. The Mayor shall have the power to assign an employee of the City to any department under his or her authority, or branch thereof requiring services appropriate to the personnel system classification of the employee so assigned. Provided, however, that the Mayor shall first obtain the permission of the Council before making a transfer or assignment of an employee from one department to a different department.
The Mayor shall execute all contracts or other instruments of the City within 15 days of the receipt of the same from the City Attorney or City Comptroller and he or she shall execute all vouchers or warrants for bills, claims or demands against the City within 15 days from the receipt by his or her office of and approval of the same from the City Comptroller. If he or she elects to disapprove any of the instruments provided for in this section he or she shall immediately notify the Council in writing of his or her reasons for disapproval.
If the Mayor refuses to sign a warrant check which has been approved by the City Comptroller, he or she shall forthwith and in writing notify the Council of his or her reasons for disapproval of the warrant and his or her refusal to sign.
Duty to prepare, present annual report. The Mayor shall prepare and present to the Council an annual report of the City's affairs, including a summary of reports of department heads, and such other reports as the Council shall require.
Duty to determine financial needs, resources of City; prepare budget document. Consistent with the provisions of this chapter and the City Charter, the Mayor shall assemble estimates of the financial needs and resources of the City for each ensuing year, and shall prepare a program of activities within the financial power of the City, embodying in it a budget document with proper supporting schedules and analysis.
Power to prescribe and review. The Mayor shall have the power to prescribe and review such rules and regulations as he or she shall deem necessary or expedient for the conduct of administrative agencies subject to his or her authority, and he or she shall have the power to revoke, suspend, or amend any rule or regulation of the administrative service by whomever prescribed.
Review by City Attorney. Rules and regulations of the Mayor and the administrative agencies subject to his or her authority shall be submitted to the City Attorney for review as to their conformance with the City Charter, this Code and the laws of the state.
Filing. All rules and regulations of the Mayor and the administrative agencies subject to his or her authority must be filed in the office of the City Clerk in order to be effective.
Investigative powers. The Mayor shall have the power, either by himself or herself, or by any officer or person designated for the purpose by him or her, to investigate and to examine or inquire into the affairs or operation of any department, division, bureau, or office under his or her authority.
Employment of professional help. The Mayor shall have the power to employ consultants and professional counsel to aid in investigations, examinations or inquiries, but such employment shall be made only with the approval of the Council.
Power to overrule department heads. The Mayor shall have the power to set aside any action taken by a department head who is subject to the Mayor's authority and may for refusal to obey the direction of the Mayor be grounds for removal from office.
Power to delegate duties. The Mayor shall have the power to direct any department, division, or bureau, subject to his or her authority, to perform work for any other department, division or bureau.
Power to appoint administrative committees. The Mayor shall have the power to designate from the administrative service such committees and the officers thereof as he or she shall find necessary for the proper consideration of administrative problems. Such committees shall meet at the request of the Mayor and shall make such recommendations on matters referred to them as they shall find necessary for the best interests of the City.