The administrative service of the City shall be divided into the following departments and heads thereof:
Administration and Finance
Director of Administration and Finance
Director of Development
City Attorney
Office of City Clerk
City Clerk
Parks and Recreation
Director of Parks and Recreation
Public Safety
Director of Public Safety
Public Works
Chief Engineer
A department head shall have the authority to purchase such items as are needed for the proper operation of his or her department up to the sum of $1,000 on nonbiddable items.
Each department and division head shall perform all duties required of his or her office by state law, the City Charter, this Code and rules and regulations of the City, and such other duties not in conflict therewith as may be required by the Mayor.
Each department head appointed by the Mayor shall be immediately responsible to the Mayor for the effective administration of his or her respective department and all activities assigned thereto.
Practices and regulations. Each department head shall keep informed as to the latest practices in his or her particular field and shall inaugurate, with the approval of the Mayor, such new practices and regulations as appear to be of benefit to the administrative service of the City and to the public.
Reports. Each department head shall submit reports of the activities of his or her department to the Mayor as prescribed by the Mayor and the City Charter.
Records. Each department head shall establish and maintain a system of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental activities and to form a basis for the periodic reports and inventories to the Mayor.
Vouchers and warrants. All department heads shall forward all vouchers and warrants requiring their approval to the Director of Administration and Finance within five days of the submission to them of the same.
Maintenance of City property, equipment. Each department head shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of all City property and equipment used in his or her department.
Departments to cooperate. Departments in the administrative service of the City shall cooperate with each other and shall, upon the direction of the Mayor, furnish to any other department such service, labor and materials as may be requisitioned by the head of such department, and as its own facilities permit, through the same procedure and subject to the same audit and control as other expenditures are incurred.
Department Heads to attend Council meetings. Department heads shall attend all Council meetings in their entirety for the purpose of giving the Council information regarding their respective departments.
[Added 11-9-1998]
Each department, under the direction of the department head, shall compile a set of rules and regulations with respect to its internal operations which shall not be inconsistent with the City Charter or this chapter. Before promulgating such rules and regulations the department head shall submit them to the Mayor and the City Attorney for review.
Duplicate copies of all departmental reports which are required by this chapter shall be filed with the office of the City Clerk according to the department and the nature of the report and such reports shall be matters of public record and open to review by interested citizens.
Daily deposits required. All units in the administrative service of the City shall make a daily deposit with the City Treasurer of any moneys received directly from the public.
Paying out money. All units in the administrative service of the City shall pay out moneys belonging to the City only in the manner prescribed herein and in the City Charter.
All units in the administrative service shall be open between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on weekdays and shall be closed on Saturdays and legal holidays.