[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Lackawanna 12-7-1987 as Ch. 20 of the 1987 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Building construction — See Ch. 75.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Electricians Ordinance of the City of Lackawanna, New York."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Examining Board of Electricians of the City of Lackawanna, New York.
Any person, copartnership, association or corporation engaged in, or holding himself/herself out as engaged in, the business of electrical contracting or construction, installing, erecting, altering and repairing, or contracting to install, erect, alter or repair, any electric wires or other conductors used, or to be used, for the transmission of electrical current of any voltage for electric light, heat, alarm or power purposes, electric lighting fixtures, moldings, ducts, raceways, conduits or other appliances or devices for the reception or protection of such wires or conductors, or, any electrical machine, machinery, apparatus, device, medium or factor used or to be used for electric light, heat or power purposes excepting persons, copartnerships, associations and corporations regularly employing electricians for the maintenance, repair, alteration and extension of the electric wires, conductors, electrical machinery, apparatus, or appliances in their own property, and also excepting electric corporations as defined in the Transportation Corporations Law of this state and their employees engaged in performing such work in the conduct of the business of such corporations.
[Amended 3-18-1991]
Includes a copartnership, an association or a corporation.
No person shall engage in or conduct the business of a master electrician in the City of Lackawanna until such person shall have applied for and obtained a license to engage in such business as herein provided.
Appointment. The Mayor shall appoint an Examining Board of Electricians to consist of five members to examine and determine the qualifications and fitness of applicants for licenses as master electricians and for such other purposes as provided in this chapter. Such Board shall be comprised of four master electricians with at least five years of practical experience and in addition thereto a representative of an electrical inspection agency authorized to make electrical inspections in the City of Lackawanna. For purposes of this chapter, an individual that maintains a valid New York State certification as a fire safety officer or instructor or similar New York State designation shall also be eligible to be a member of the Board.
[Amended 3-18-1991]
Qualifications. All members of such Board shall, prior to appointment, be at least 21 years of age and either (1) a resident of the City of Lackawanna, or (2) have maintained a place of business as a licensed master electrician within the City of Lackawanna for a period of seven years.
[Amended 3-18-1991]
Term of office. The term of office of each member shall be five years and shall expire on December 31 of each year. In case of vacancy, the Mayor shall appoint a member for the balance of the unexpired term.
Executive Director. The Director of Development, with the cooperation and assistance of the Chief Engineer and City Attorney, or their designee(s), shall act as the Executive Director of the Board, and shall perform such duties and functions as hereinafter provided in this chapter, or in the rules and regulations duly promulgated by said Board.
The Board shall elect one of its members as Chairman and one as Secretary at the first meeting of each year.
Meetings. The Board shall meet as needed within the City of Lackawanna, but in no event less than four times per year, at a time and place fixed by it and at such other times as it may deem necessary for the consideration of applications for licenses and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. Special meetings shall be called as provided in the rules and regulations of the Board.
[Amended 3-18-1991]
The Board shall adopt an order of procedure, rules and regulations not inconsistent with this chapter for the receiving of applications for licenses, the investigation and examination of applicants, the conduct of the meetings and business of the Board, prescribing the duties of its Chairman and Secretary and other matters incidental to the powers and duties of the Board as herein set forth, and shall have power to change and amend such order of procedure rules and regulations by a majority vote of the whole Board, at any time at any regular or special meeting after giving all the members 30 days' written notice of the proposed change or amendment. The Board shall file a copy of its order of procedure, rules and regulations, and of any changes or amendments thereof, certified by the Secretary, with the City Clerk, forthwith upon the adoption of same, which at all reasonable times shall be open to public inspection.
The Board shall investigate and determine as to the qualifications and fitness of each applicant for a license hereunder; all charges preferred against any person holding a license granted hereunder; and as to the fitness to continue to hold a license granted hereunder of any person against whom such charges shall have been preferred. Within five days after the completion of any such investigation or examination the Board shall report to the Director of Development and Chief Engineer, in writing, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, its findings and recommendations in each case.
Applicants for licenses and persons desiring to prefer charges against any holder of a license granted hereunder shall conform to and comply with all rules and regulations of the Board respecting the application for licenses and the preferring and hearing of such charges and shall present themselves for investigation and examination or for hearing or trial of such charges at such time and place as the Board shall fix.
No license shall be granted to any person unless he or she shall prove to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she has an established place for regular transaction of business; is a competent electrician and qualified to do electrical contracting, construction and installation work and electrical wiring; has a working knowledge of electricity and the natural laws and functions of electricity and of appliances, apparatus and devices for electric light heat and power purposes used and required in such work; combined with a practical working knowledge of the electrical requirements of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and the generally accepted standards thereunder, in particular the National Electrical Code. No such license shall be granted to any person who is less than 21 years of age.
Upon determining the qualifications and fitness of any applicant to receive such license, the Board shall recommend, in writing, to the Director of Development that upon payment of the fees and filing of the bond, as herein provided, a license be issued to such applicant to engage in such business. Such license shall be valid and operative until and including the 31st day of December next ensuing.
Upon the written recommendation of the Board filed with the Director of Development, he or she shall issue forthwith to such applicant a license countersigned by the City Clerk hereunder authorizing the holder thereof to engage in the business of master electrician within the City of Lackawanna and shall register his or her name, alphabetically, business address, number and date of license in a book to be kept in the office of the City Clerk for that purpose.
[Amended 3-18-1991; 2-21-1995]
Application fee. Upon making application for a license on a form to be provided by the Board, the applicant shall deposit with the Director of Development a nonrefundable sum as specified in § 107-17, and the Director of Development shall provide the applicant with a receipt of said sum, and shall further provide the Board with a copy of said receipt showing that said sum has been so deposited. If said license is granted, said sum shall be retained by the City and applied against the initial license fee to be paid by the applicant.
Renewal of licenses. Any person having secured such license as herein provided, unless such license shall have been revoked or suspended upon recommendation of the Board, shall be granted a renewal of such license without further investigation or examination, provided application for such renewal is made to the Board within 30 days preceding its expiration and by such holder within such 30 days paying the renewal fee and filing or refiling of said bond, as the case may be, as hereafter prescribed. Such renewal shall be for the period of one year from January 1 next ensuing, and repeated renewals for one year shall be granted in like manner and upon like application and conditions. The annual renewal fee for all licenses shall be the sum so specified in § 107-17. Those members of the Board that currently possess a valid license shall be exempt from the payment of the annual license fee during their active term of office, provided said license has not been revoked or suspended. Should a member of the Board resign or otherwise vacate his or her position during said term of office, he or she shall be responsible to pay the annual license fee for the then-current year.
No individual, partnership or corporation shall lend, rent or in any manner transfer or assign his or its license, name and/or license number to any other individual, partnership or corporation; nor shall any individual partnership or corporation make use of a license, name or license number which is not actually his or its own. Every such license may, after due notice to the holder thereof and opportunity to be heard, be suspended or revoked in accordance with § 107-20 of this chapter for failure or refusal of the licensee to comply with the City local laws or ordinances regulating same, rules and regulations promulgated by the Board, the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code and the National Electrical Code requirements, or for such other cause or causes deemed sufficient by the Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
No individual, partnership or corporation shall falsely represent himself or herself as a master or employing electrician by the use of the words "master electrician" or "electrical contractor" or words of a similar import or meaning on signs, cards, stationery or in any manner whatsoever.
[Amended 3-18-1991]
Before any such license or renewal shall be issued, the applicant for such license or renewal, in addition to paying the fees herein provided, shall execute and deliver to the City Clerk a permit and/or license bond of himself or herself, as principal, and a good and sufficient bonding corporation duly authorized to do business in the State of New York, as surety, running to the City of Lackawanna as obligee, in the penalty of $5,000, conditioned for the faithful observance by the principal of all the terms and conditions of all laws of the State of New York; and all local laws and ordinances of the City of Lackawanna regulating or in any manner relating to electrical contracting, construction, installation and wiring; and to the repair or alteration of any electrical wiring, electrical lighting fixtures, appliances or devices for the furnishing of light, heat or power in any dwelling, building or other structure in the City of Lackawanna and all rules and regulations of the Examining Board of Electricians then existing or which may thereafter be adopted and to carry on such business and do and perform all the electrical contracts and electrical work under taken by said principal in a careful, good and workmanlike manner. Such bond shall contain the further condition that any person suffering damage or injury by reason of the failure of the principal obligor to comply with the terms and conditions of said bond and of the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations therein mentioned, may maintain an action on said bond to recover for the damage or injury so sustained as if such persons, firm or corporation were specifically named as obligee in said bond. Such bond, before presentation to the City Clerk, shall be approved by the City Attorney both as to form and as to the sufficiency of the surety and such approval endorsed thereon.
No electrical work shall be installed, changed, modified or added to within the City of Lackawanna unless a permit therefor shall have been first obtained from the Director of Development; provided, however, that persons, copartnerships and corporations especially exempt by the provisions of § 107-2 of this chapter shall not be required to procure a permit to perform work in their own plants.
The Director of Development shall issue all permits countersigned by the City Clerk for any and all electrical work within the City of Lackawanna upon payment of the required fee as herewithin established. Such permits to perform electrical work shall not be issued except to licensed master electricians.
Residential. The fees set forth in this subsection apply to residential dwellings and when application is made by one master electrician on one permit request.
[Amended 4-19-1993; 2-25-1995[1]]
Minimum residential permit fee: $25.
Minimum residential permit fee for two-family unit: $50.
Complete electrical installation of a three-unit dwelling: $75.
Each additional residential unit thereafter: $25.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
Commercial and industrial.
[Amended 4-19-1993; 2-25-1995]
Not in excess of 25,000 watts: $50.
25,001 watts to 50,000 watts: $100.
In excess of 50,000 watts: $200.
Fire alarm systems minimum fee in excess of three stations: $20.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
Application and license fees.
[Added 3-18-1991]
Examination/application fee (nonrefundable): $50.
Annual license renewal fee: $100.
Members of the Board are hereby empowered to inspect all structures within the City of Lackawanna in which electrical work is being or has been installed, to determine whether the electrical contractor shall have complied with the laws of the State of New York, the local laws and ordinances of the City of Lackawanna and such rules and regulations as the Board may enact, but in no event shall said inspection in any manner interfere with or prevent the inspection thereof by and of the duly appointed inspectors of any electrical inspection agency approved by resolution of the Council.
No person shall connect or cause to be connected electrical wiring in or on properties for light, heat or power to any source of electrical energy supply prior to issuance of a temporary certificate, or a certificate of compliance, by an approved electrical inspection agency as provided in Chapter 75, Building Construction, Article V, of this Municipal Code.
The provisions of Article I of Chapter 87 of this Municipal Code shall be applicable in regard to the revocation or suspension of a license issued under this chapter. The Board, for the purposes of this section, shall be deemed to be the issuing officer acting by majority vote of its entire membership.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in § 1-3 of this Municipal Code or § 75-32 of this Municipal Code in case the violation is also a violation of Chapter 75, Building Construction, of this Municipal Code.