This article shall apply to all storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas and the equipment pertinent to such uses. The requirements of this article shall be in addition to the requirements of the Standards of the National Fire Protection Association in Circular Number 58 which shall apply to all storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixture of them: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or isobutane, and butylenes). When reference is made to gas in this article it shall refer to liquefied petroleum gases as defined herein.
All containers, apparatus, piping (not including utility gas distribution piping systems) and equipment pertinent to the storage and handling of liquefied petroleum gas. Gas-consuming appliances shall not be considered as being liquefied gas equipment. Containers shall include all vessels, whether portable or stationary, such as tanks, cylinders or drums for transportation or storage of liquefied petroleum gas.
This section shall apply to the storage of portable containers not in excess of 1,000 pounds water capacity, filled or partially filled, at usual location, but not connected for use, or in storage for resale by dealers or resellers. This section shall not apply to containers stored at charging plants or at plants devoted primarily to the storage and distribution of LP gas or other petroleum products.
Container location. Containers in storage shall be located so as to minimize exposure to excessive temperature rise, physical damage or tampering by unauthorized persons.
Inside storage. Containers when stored inside shall not be located within 10 feet of exits, stairways or in areas normally used or intended for the safe exit of people.
Valve protecting caps. Containers (empty or filled) which require valve protecting caps shall have such caps in place while in storage.
Outlet valve. The outlet valve of containers in storage shall be closed.
Empty containers. Empty containers which have been in LP gas service should preferably be stored in the open. When stored inside, they shall be considered as full containers for the purpose of determining the maximum quantity of LP gas permitted by this section.
Storage within buildings frequented by the public. Storage within buildings used as retail or wholesale outlets or mercantile establishments inclusive but not limited to hardware stores, department stores, sporting goods stores, surplus outlets, small boat sales and supply outlets (exclusive of marine supply outlets for ships), and similar occupancies, including service stations, shall be limited to the following storage of LP gas:
Maximum size containers shall be 2 1/2 pounds water capacity and shall be such as those with completely self-contained hand torches and similar applications.
The display of such containers shall be limited to a total of 24 units of each brand and size.
The maximum quantity of LP gas on display and in storage shall not exceed 200 pounds in any building or fire area.
Exception. Storage limits of LP gas as outlined in Subsection F shall not apply to containers stored at charging plants or at plants or outlets devoted primarily to the storage and distribution of LP gas or other gases used for welding, manufacturing or therapeutic processes or wholesale plumbing supply houses.
Storage within buildings not frequented by the public such as industrial buildings, charging plants, or plants devoted primarily to the storage and distribution of LP gas or other gases used in industry or for therapeutic purposes shall not exceed 300 pounds (approximately 2,550 cubic feet in vapor form) except as follows:
Maximum quantity. The quantity of LP gas stored in special buildings or rooms considered as fire areas shall not exceed 10,000 pounds.
Storage rooms. The walls, floors and ceilings of container storage rooms that are within or adjacent to other parts of the building shall be constructed of material having at least a two hour fire resistant rating with all openings from storage rooms to other parts of the building protected with fire-resistant door assemblies having a 1 1/2 hour fire resistant rating.
Explosive-relieving construction. A portion of the exterior walls or roof shall have 10% of the combined area of the enclosing walls and roof constructed of single strength glass or other similar explosion-relieving construction.
Open flames prohibited. Such rooms shall have no open flames for heating or lighting.
Ventilation. Such rooms shall be adequately ventilated both top and bottom to the outside only. The openings from such vents shall be at least five feet away from any other opening (window, door, etc.) into any building.
Floors. The floors of such rooms shall not be below ground level. Any space below the floor shall be of solid fill or properly (adequately) ventilated to the outer air.
Location adjacent to certain uses prohibited. Such storage rooms shall not be located adjoining the line of property occupied by schools, churches, hospitals, athletic fields, or other places of assembly.
Electrical installations. The electrical installations within the room shall be in accordance with the National Fire Underwriters Code for hazardous locations.
Location. Where the quantity of storage exceeds 10,000 pounds of LP gas, such storage shall be located at least 25 feet from important buildings or busy thoroughfares. Such storage shall not be located adjoining the line of property occupied by schools, churches, hospitals, athletic fields or other places of assembly.
Enclosures. Containers shall be in a suitable enclosure or otherwise protected against tampering.
Valves and safety devices. Valves and safety relief devices shall be protected against accumulations of ice and snow. Protective caps shall be deemed adequate.
Approval of location. Containers and first stage regulating equipment shall be located outside of buildings especially provided for this purpose upon approval of the Fire Chief or his or her designee, provided, however, that containers and regulating equipment may be indoors under the following conditions:
If temporarily used for demonstration purposes and the container has a maximum water capacity of 12 pounds.
If used with completely self-contained gas hand torch or similar equipment, and the container has a maximum water capacity of 2 1/2 pounds.
In industrial applications where oxygen is not required.
In use as a motor fuel.
In storage awaiting use or resale in compliance with this article.
Separate installation; approval fee. A license shall be obtained for each installation of LP gas employing a container or an aggregate of interconnected containers of over 2,000 gallons water capacity or where quantities of LP gas are stored that exceed 300 pounds (approximately 2,550 cubic feet in vapor form) on the premises which shall be issued by the City Clerk and Fire Chief, subject to the approval of the Fire Chief or his or her designee. Said license shall expire on December 31 after issuance and be renewable thereafter. The fee therefor shall be $100. A permit shall be obtained from the City Clerk upon approval of the Fire Chief or his or her designee for storage, handling, or other use of liquefied petroleum gas.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV).
Facilities which have a license as required above.
Storage, handling or use within buildings not frequented by the public in quantities 40 pounds or less in the aggregate.
Storage locations of LP gas shall be provided with approved portable fire extinguishers and water spray fixed systems for fire protection as required by the Fire Chief or his or her designee in accordance with acceptable practices.
Permit or license required. No wholesale or retail bulk dealer, manufacturer or wholesale package dealer shall deliver LP gas to any retail package dealer, retail bulk dealer, manufacturer, processing plant, service station, garage, construction contractor or storage facility unless such recipient has a permit or license as required by this article.
Portable containers. No tank vehicle shall be used to discharge any LP gas from its cargo tank to any portable container wherever located. In case of an emergency, a quantity sufficient to dispel the emergency may be discharged from a tank vehicle to a portable container, upon proper notification and permission from the Department of Fire.
All permits and licenses required under the provisions of this article shall be conspicuously displayed at the place of use, storage and handling.