Created. There is hereby created in and for the City a Sanitation Advisory Commission.
Appointment, removal, term. The Mayor shall appoint and shall have power to remove for reasons stated in writing five qualified residents of the City to serve as members of the Sanitation Advisory Commission for a term of two years.
Chairman. A Chairman shall be elected from among the members of the Sanitation Advisory Commission at the first regular meeting of the Commission.
Vacancies. Vacancies created on the Sanitation Advisory Commission shall be filled for the unexpired portion of any term by the Mayor in the same manner as appointments to said Commission are made.
Compensation. The members of the Sanitation Advisory Commission shall be paid such compensation as shall be determined from time to time by the Council.
Meetings. The Sanitation Advisory Commission shall meet twice a month on the first and third Tuesday or at the call of the Chairman of the Commission or at the call of the Mayor.
Clerk. Unless otherwise provided, the City Clerk shall serve as clerk to the Sanitation Advisory Commission.
The Sanitation Advisory Commission may make such rules and regulations which are not inconsistent with general state law or any local law or ordinance of the City for the regulation of its activities and personnel.
The Sanitation Advisory Commission shall make and forward in writing to the Council all recommendations of the County Health Commission as it may deem necessary and proper for the preservation of life and health of the City. It shall also make such recommendations to the County Health Commissioner as it may deem necessary for the suppression of health nuisances and concerning all other matters in its judgment detrimental to the public health in the City, in special or individual cases.