All new land-use activities within the Town shall require site plan review and approval before being undertaken, except the following:
Construction of one- or two- family dwellings and ordinary accessory structures and related land-use activities.
Landscaping or grading which is not intended to be used in connection with the land use reviewable under the provisions of this chapter.
Ordinary repair or maintenance or interior alterations to existing structures or uses.
Exterior alterations or additions to existing structures which would not increase the square footage of the existing structure by more than 25%; and having a cost value of less than $5,000.
Nonstructural agricultural or gardening uses not involving substantial timber cutting.
Signs under 10 square feet.
The sale of agricultural produce and temporary structures related to sale of agricultural produce.
Garage, lawn and porch sales not exceeding three days. If such sales take place more often then three times in any calendar year, site plan approval will be required.
Any person uncertain of the applicability of this chapter to a given land-use activity may apply in writing to the Planning Board for a written jurisdictional determination.
This chapter does not apply to uses and structures which are lawfully in existence as of the date this chapter becomes effective. Any use which would otherwise be subject to this chapter, that has been discontinued for a period of two years or more shall be subject to review pursuant to the terms of this chapter before such use is resumed. Any use of structure shall be considered to be in existence, provided that the same has been substantially commenced as of the effective date of this chapter and fully constructed and completed within one year from the effective date of this chapter.
This chapter in no way affects the provisions or requirements of any other federal, state or local law or regulations. Where this chapter is in conflict with any other such law or regulation, the more restrictive shall apply.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A person or persons related to each other by blood, marriage or adoption, or any number of persons, irrespective of any such relationship, which nonetheless functions as the equivalent of such a family, living together as a single housekeeping unit.
Any construction or other activity which changes the use or appearance of land or a structure or the intensity of use of land or a structure. "Land-use activity" shall explicitly include, but not be limited to, the following: new structures, expansions to existing structures, new uses, changes in or expansions of existing uses, roads, driveways, and excavation for the purpose of extracting soil or mineral deposits.
A complete self-contained residential unit for permanent habitation by one family only and containing one or more rooms and facilities for living, including cooking, sleeping and sanitary needs.
The mean high water mark of any lake, pond, river or permanent stream.
Any object constructed, installed or placed on land to facilitate land use and development or subdivision of land, such as buildings, sheds, signs, tanks and any fixtures, additions and alterations thereto; any object constructed, installed or placed on land to facilitate land use and development or subdivision of land, such as buildings, a storage shed, garden house or similar facility.
Two complete, but separate, self-contained residential units, each intended for permanent habitation by one family only in a single structure having a common wall roof, wall or ceiling, including cooking, sleeping and sanitary needs.
Any term used in this chapter which is not defined hereinabove shall carry its customary meaning unless the context otherwise dictates.