[Amended 8-4-1982 by Ord. No. 82-8; 7-22-1993 by Ord. No. 93-8]
In a C Commercial District, the following regulations shall apply.
A building may be erected, altered or used and a lot or premises may be used for any of the following purposes, and no other:
A use permitted in R-2 Residence Districts.
Retail sale of dry goods, variety and general merchandise, clothing, food, flowers, beverages, drugs, household supplies or furnishings, sale or repair of jewelry, watches and clocks, optical goods or musical, professional or scientific instruments.
Barbershops, hairdressers, cleaning and pressing pickup stations and such other shops for personal service.
Restaurant, tearoom, cafe, taproom, confectionery or similar establishment serving food or beverage.
Business or professional office, studio, bank and financial institution, telephone exchange or other public utility office, or passenger station for public transportation.
Club, fraternal organization or lodge.
Greenhouse or nursery sales yard.
Indoor theater, bowling alley, billiard room or similar indoor amusement.
Accessory use on the same lot with and customarily incidental to the use permitted and utilized.
The following uses when authorized as a conditional use:
Any use of the same general character as any of the above permitted uses.
Gasoline service stations, public garage or automobile repair shop.
Outdoor theater.
Undertaking establishments.
Hand or automatic self-service laundry, provided that there are adequate provisions made for water disposal.
Motel or motor court, hospital or sanatorium, which shall be satisfactory as regards sewage disposal.
Car washes, provided that the car wash complies with the standards of § 164-62.10B(1)(a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) of this chapter.
Automobile and other vehicle sales.
Outdoor amusement facilities, such as miniature golf courses, batting cages, golf driving ranges, amusement parks and similar uses.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Class Three institutional uses, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA, Institutional Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
A shopping center, subject to the provisions of § 164-69. Only those uses listed in § 164-69A are permitted in shopping centers.
Day-care centers, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA of this chapter.
[Amended 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Municipal buildings, offices and uses.
Fire companies and other rescue services.
Class One institutional uses, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA, Institutional Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Class Two institutional uses, in accordance with the standards of Article XIVA, Institutional Regulations, of this chapter.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
Dispensary facility, subject to each of the following specific requirements:
[Added 2-2-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Except as modified herein and subject to the requirements of the Medical Marijuana Act and the regulations and requirements promulgated under Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time, the dispensary facility shall comply with the dimensional requirements applicable in the commercial district.
The dispensary shall provide a permit issued by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health or proof that a permit has been sought and is pending approval, and shall at all times maintain a valid, accurate and up-to-date permit from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health for the operation of the dispensary facility. Should such permit, or renewal thereof, be denied, suspended or revoked at any time, any Township approval of the dispensary facility shall become void.
The dispensary and the dispensary facility shall comply with all applicable standards, rules, regulations and requirements of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including, without limitation, the Medical Marijuana Act and Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time.
No dispensary facility shall be located within 1,000 feet in any direction of the property line of any public, private or parochial school, day-care center or family day-care home.
All signage shall comply with Article XVII, Signs.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Article XVI, Off-Street Parking and Loading.
To the extent that there is any conflict between this Chapter 164 and the provisions of the Medical Marijuana Act or the regulations and requirements promulgated under Title 28, Part IX, of the Pennsylvania Code, as amended and updated from time to time, the dispensary and dispensary facility shall comply with the more restrictive provision.
No wall of a dispensary facility shall be closer than 1,000 feet from a wall of the nearest dispensary facility.
Drive-through services are prohibited.
An exclusive commercial use in a C Commercial District shall conform to the following regulations:
Lot area and width. A net lot area of not less than 30,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 100 feet at the building line or at the point of the proposed building closest to the street and extending the full depth of the building shall be provided for every building hereafter erected or used.
Building area. Not more than 30% of the net area of each lot may be occupied by buildings.
Front yard. There shall be a front yard on each street on which the lot abuts, the depth of which shall be at least 60 feet.
Side yard. There shall be two side yards, one on each side of the principal building, neither of which shall be less than 15 feet wide, subject to the provisions of § 164-69.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be at least 20 feet, subject to the provisions of § 164-69.
Landscaped area. Not less the 35% of the net lot area shall consist of landscaped area.
An exclusive residential use of a parcel of ground in a commercial zone shall conform to the area and width requirements set forth hereinabove for the R-2 Residence District.
The following regulations shall govern the use of a lot in a commercial district for a combined commercial and single-family residential use, whether the same shall be combined in one structure or on the same lot in separate structures:
Lot area and width. A net lot area of not less than 32,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 125 feet at the building line or at the point of the proposed building closest to the street and extending the full depth of the building shall be provided for every building hereafter erected or used.
Not more than 15% of the net area of each lot may be occupied by buildings.
There shall be a front yard on each street on which the lot abuts, the depth of which shall be not less than 60 feet.
Side yard. There shall be two side yards, one on each side of the principal building, neither of which shall be less than 20 feet wide, subject to the provisions of § 164-69.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard, the depth of which shall be at least 30 feet, subject to the provisions of § 164-69.
Landscaped area. Not less than 40% of the net lot area shall consist of landscaped area.
The following additional regulations shall apply to all commercial uses except shopping centers:
No building shall be located closer than 50 feet to a side or rear property line adjacent to a residential district.
No parking or service area shall be located closer than 25 feet to a side or rear property line adjacent to a residential district.
The maximum height of buildings and other structures erected or enlarged in this district shall be 35 feet.
[Added 8-21-1997 by Ord. No. 97-5]
The following additional regulations shall apply to all commercial uses, including shopping centers:
A planting strip with a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided along each property line which is opposite or adjacent to a residential district on which a screen buffer planting shall be provided, in accordance with Chapter 142, Subdivision and Land Development.
Properties with frontages of 600 feet or less on any individual street are only permitted one driveway intersection per street. Properties with frontages greater than 600 feet may be permitted a maximum of two driveways per street frontage, provided that such driveways are at least 300 feet apart. Regardless of frontage, a development may be restricted to a single driveway depending on usage and interior and exterior traffic patterns.
Each nonresidential use shall provide access easements for its parking aisles and driveways guaranteeing access to all abutting lots zoned C Commercial, unless all possible interconnections between two abutting lots must cross wetlands, floodplain or slopes of 15% or more. Parking areas on abutting lot shall be directly connected by a driveway. These interconnections shall be constructed during the initial land development.
Sidewalks shall connect nonresidential buildings with all parking areas, sidewalks along streets and bike trails or sidewalks on abutting property.
Dumpsters, trash disposal areas and recycling areas shall be screened from view by opaque fences or walls six feet in height or by a planted buffer which meets the requirements of § 142-42C(3) of Chapter 142, Subdivision and Land Development.
A shopping center use of land within a commercial district shall be subject to the following regulations:
Use regulations. A shopping center use, consisting of a building or combination of buildings, may be erected or used and a lot area may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
Retail store, including a retail outlet or showroom for uses permitted in Subsection A(9) hereof, but not including an automobile sales agency, provided that no goods shall be displayed on the exterior of any building or on the lot, and provided that only incidental storage, including floor samples, shall be permitted.
Restaurant; however, restaurants with drive-through facilities are not allowed as satellite uses.
Office or studio.
The following personal service shops dealing directly with customers: beauty parlor, barbershop, clothes-cleaning agency (not including a cleaning and dyeing plant), automatic self-service laundry or a dressmaking millinery or similar shop, provided that all repair or processing work is conducted in accordance with Subsection A(9) below.
Theater, not including outdoor motion-picture establishment, assembly hall or community building, indoor recreational establishment or library or child day-care center.
Bakery, confectionery or custom shop for the production of articles to be sold at retail on the premises, provided that all baking or processing is conducted in accordance with Subsection A(9) below.
Banks, savings-and-loan associations, and credit unions.
[Amended 2-7-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Passenger bus station, electric substation or telephone and telegraph offices.
The following uses, provided that if such uses are located on the ground floor, they shall not be located within 20 feet of the front of the building, and provided that they shall be effectively screened from the front portion of the building by a wall or partition:
General servicing or repair.
Carpentry or woodworking.
Electrical, radio or television repair.
Hand laundering, dry cleaning or pressing, provided that no flammable fluids are used.
Tailoring, dressmaking or repair.
Millinery repair or processing.
Watch or clock repair.
Baking, confectionery-making or similar processing.
Frozen food lockers.
Any similar use involving repair, processing or storage activity.
Accessory use customarily incidental to any of the above uses.
Any use of the same general character as any of the above-permitted uses when authorized as a special exception by the Zoning Hearing Board, provided that such use shall be permitted, subject to such reasonable restrictions as the Zoning Hearing Board may determine, and further provided that no trade or business shall be permitted which is either noxious or hazardous.
Signs, when erected and maintained in accordance with Article XVII of this chapter.
Dispensary facility, in accordance with Article XIII of this chapter.
[Added 2-2-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Development requirements. The general plan for a shopping center shall include specific evidence and facts showing that it has considered and made provision for and the development shall be executed in accordance with the following essential conditions:
The proposed development shall be constructed in accordance with an overall plan, shall be designed as a single architectural unit with appropriate landscaping and shall provide initially for the construction of either a minimum of 7,500 square feet of floor area or not less than three of the uses listed in Subsection A above.
The total net area shall be not less than five acres.
All buildings shall be arranged in a group or in groups.
Not more than 20% of the net lot area shall be occupied by buildings.
The distance, at the closest point, between any two buildings or groups or units of attached buildings shall not be less than 40 feet.
The maximum height of any building or structure erected or enlarged in this district shall be 40 feet, except that the height of any such other building or other structure may be increased to a maximum of 65 feet or such increased height as may be warranted when approved by the Zoning Hearing Board for such structures as water towers, chimneys, stacks, radio antennas and transmission towers, provided that for every foot of height in excess of 40 feet there shall be added to each yard requirement one corresponding foot of width or depth.
Adequate area shall be provided for loading and unloading of delivery trucks and other vehicles; servicing of shops by refuse collection, fuel, fire and other service vehicles; automobile accessways; and pedestrian walks. All areas provided for use by vehicles and all pedestrian walks shall be constructed in accordance with Township specifications.
Provision shall be made for safe and efficient ingress and egress to and from public streets and highways serving the center without undue congestion to or interference with normal traffic flow. All points of vehicular access to and from public streets shall be located not less than 200 feet from the intersection of any public street lines with each other.
No building may be located closer than 100 feet to the ultimate right-of-way of any public street, nor closer than 100 feet to a side or rear property line adjacent to an agricultural or residential district or within 25 feet of any other property line. Buildings with no parking areas or driveways between them and public streets may be located as close as 50 feet to the ultimate right-of-way of that street.
No parking areas and/or driveways may be located closer than 50 feet to a side or rear property line adjacent to an agricultural or residential district, 25 feet to any other side or rear property lines or 40 feet to the ultimate right-of-way line of any street. No off-street loading and/or trash disposal areas shall be located closer than 100 feet to a side or rear property line adjacent to an agricultural or residential district or 25 feet to any other property line.
Landscaped area. Not less than 35% of the net lot area shall consist of landscaped area.
Parking, loading or service areas used by motor vehicles shall be located entirely within the lot lines of the shopping center and shall be physically separated from public streets.
A planting strip with a minimum width of 25 feet shall be provided along each property line, in which shall be grown suitable shrubbery and trees, as approved by the Board of Supervisors or its agent and maintained by the owner or tenant in a careful and prudent mariner.
The proposed shopping center shall be served by adequate central or public water and sewage facilities, the adequacy of which shall be demonstrated and guaranteed.
Building facades shall be varied by any of the following methods:
The wall may be offset to a depth of at least five feet in intervals of 100 feet or less.
The wall may be offset to a depth of at least 10 feet in intervals of 250 feet or less.
The pitch and height of the roofline may be varied by at least 10 feet in height at intervals of 250 feet or less.
A combination of methods in Subsection B(15)(a) through (c) may be used, or an alternative facade that created a human scale and extensive building variation may be used with the approval of the Board of Supervisors on the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
Variations in facades, canopies and rooflines to provide contrasts of height, color, texture and materials are encouraged.
The use of traditional building materials such as local stone, brick and wood is encouraged.
All building facades shall be constructed of materials similar in appearance to all other facades to ensure an attractive appearance.
The Township Board of Supervisors may prescribe particular requirements of any further reasonable conditions deemed appropriate with respect to the suitability of the shopping center in the neighborhood.
Satellite uses shall meet the following requirements:
Vehicular access to satellite uses shall be from interior driveways only, with no independent driveway access to exterior streets.
Parking for satellite uses shall be physically separated from other parking areas by means of landscaped islands.
Restaurants with drive-through facilities are not permitted as satellite uses.
Shopping centers with over 100,000 square feet of gross floor area shall provide the following:
A pickup area for public transportation located between the street and the front facade of the shopping center. The pickup area must include a ten-foot by twenty-foot waiting area that is separated from other sidewalks in the shopping center. The pickup area must also include an area where a forty-foot bus can park without blocking any lanes of the shopping center's driveways.
Driveways and a parking area that can handle and are designed for the weight and length of a forty-foot passenger bus.
A common use area that will serve as a focal point for the center and provide walkways, seating and landscaping; water features, courtyards, mini-parks and plazas are encouraged. The common use area shall meet the following requirements:
It shall be located between the street and the front facade of the primary shopping center building, within 200 feet of this building.
It shall be equal to or greater in size than 2% of the gross floor area of the shopping center.
The shape and location of the common use area shall be approved by the Board Supervisors in consultation with the Township Planning Commission.
Approval or disapproval by the Board of Supervisors.
Plans for any shopping center use shall be submitted to the Board. of Supervisors prior to the issuance of any building permit, and the Board shall have the power of approval or disapproval of such plans. The Board may, in its discretion, prior to a decision, refer plans to the Planning Commission for study and recommendations thereon.
lf portions of the shopping center project are to be completed in successive stages, a less detailed sketch or layout of -the area not scheduled for immediate development may be submitted; however, prior to actual commencement of additional development, a supplemental plan or plans shall be submitted showing all of the required detail as hereinafter set forth.
The following information shall be shown on all shopping center plans:
A plot plan of the lot showing the location of all present and proposed buildings, sidewalks and other areas to be devoted to pedestrian use, drives, parking lots, loading and unloading areas and other construction features on the lot and all buildings, streets, alleys, highways, streams and other topographical features of the lot and within 200 feet of any lot line.
Architectural plans for any proposed buildings, which must be prepared by a registered architect.
A landscaping plan, prepared by a registered landscape architect, which shows the location, dimensions and arrangement of areas to be devoted to planting, lawns, trees or any other landscaping purpose.
A description of the commercial uses proposed, including approximate number of employees and an indication of the number of customers in sufficient detail to indicate the effects of those operations in producing traffic congestion, noise, glare, air pollution, water pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards.
Engineering and architectural plans for the treatment and disposal of sewage.
Any other data or evidence the Board of Supervisors may require.
Plans for any commercial use, other than a shopping center use, which shall be covered by the provisions of § 164-69 herein, shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors prior to the issuance of any building permit, and the Board shall have the power of approval or disapproval of such plans. The Board may, in its discretion, prior to a decision, refer plans to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation thereon.
The following information shall be shown on all plans for a commercial use, provided that the Board shall have the power to waive the production of architectural plans in its discretion:
A plot plan of the lot showing the location of all present and proposed buildings, sidewalks and other areas to be devoted to pedestrian use, drives, parking lots, loading and unloading areas and other construction features of the lot and all buildings, streets, alleys, highways, streams and other topographical features of the lot and within 200 feet of any lot line.
Architectural plans for any proposed buildings.
Landscaping plan which shows the location, dimensions and arrangement of areas to be devoted to planting, lawns, trees or any other purpose.
A description of the commercial uses proposed, including the approximate number of employees, and an indication of the number of customers in sufficient detail to indicate the effects of those operations in producing traffic congestions, noise, glare, air pollution, water pollution and fire or safety hazards.
Engineering or architectural plans for the treatment or disposal of sewage, unless sewage will be disposed of in a municipal system.
Any other data or evidence the Board of Supervisors may require: