[Adopted 9-2-1986 by Ord. No. 337]
At the time of submission of an application for a community or commercial on-site sewage disposal system, the developer shall arrange for complete soil testing yielding satisfactory results in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection and the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer. The number of soils tests required shall be the amount necessary to obtain results which would permit the placement of a primary on-lot sewage disposal system and provide assurance that a replacement absorption area can be provided in the event that the initial system should malfunction. Only those commercial proposals which will generate sewage effluent of more than 350 gallons per day will be required to provide a replacement sewage disposal area.
All proposed commercial buildings shall be required to install an approved flow meter on the sewage effluent line. The design and location of the meter shall be subject to the approval of the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer and the Department of Environmental Protection.