[Adopted as Art. XV of the 1983 Code]
[Amended 11-1-2021 STM by Art. 2]
There is hereby established a Consumer Advisory Commission consisting of five members to be appointed by the Select Board for the purpose of conducting investigations and research into matters affecting consumer interests and education.
[Amended 11-1-2021 STM by Art. 2]
The Commission shall make periodic (at least quarterly) reports of the results of all investigations and research to the Select Board, who shall see that said reports are circulated for information to the general public.
An annual report of its activities shall be made to the Town of Southborough in the Annual Report thereof. A copy of said report shall be sent to the Consumers Council of the commonwealth.
The Commission shall correlate its activities with these opinions, matters and programs which are being undertaken by state and federal consumer agencies.
The appointments to this Commission shall be for three years, and the initial appointments shall be one member for one-year, two members for two years and two members for three years.