[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 5-16-1969]
Whenever any person or entity shall hereafter request an inspection of any premises within the Borough of Hopatcong for purposes other than matters related to the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong, the following fees shall be required for the services specified:
Inspection of any lot, parcel or tract of land, or any building, septic tank, sanitary sewer system, water supply system or other facility within the jurisdiction of the Board of Health for purposes of certification to the Federal Housing Authority, the Veterans Administration or any financial institution or party as mortgagee: first inspection, including water sampling and completion of required certification form, $25.
For any additional inspections, including water sampling, there shall be an additional fee of $10 required.
All representatives and agents of the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong shall be limited in their authority in providing any certification to the agencies and financial institutions aforesaid, and any such certification shall contain the language as herein specified which sets forth the limits of the authority of the agents of the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong. The following language shall be set forth above the signature of the officer certifying thereto: "The issuance of this certificate shall not be construed as a guarantee that the system will continue to function satisfactorily nor shall it in any way restrict the powers or responsibilities of the Board of Health in the enforcement of any law or ordinance relating to public health."
[Adopted 5-23-1984]
The fees set forth in § 251-4 are hereby established and shall be charged by the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong.
[Amended 6-24-1987; 3-23-1988; 3-22-1989]
The schedule of fees shall be as follows:
Water and septic:
[Amended 7-23-1997; 3-8-2000 by Ord. No. 6-2000; 10-26-2005 by Ord. No. 35-2005; 2-22-2006 by Ord. No. 3-2006; 5-26-2010 by Ord. No. 8-2010]
Septic application new construction
Septic permit new construction permit valid 1 year
Septic alteration application
Septic alteration permit
Well application new
Well permit, all drilling well
$60 plus lab fee
Well deepening application
Well deepening permit
$60 plus lab fee
Well repair/alteration permit
$60 plus lab fee
Semipublic well application filing and plan review
Semipublic application and plans to alter semipublic well water supply (deepening, casing extension, etc.)
Retail food licenses:
[Amended 7-23-1997; 10-26-2005 by Ord. No. 35-2005; 5-26-2010 by Ord. No. 8-2010; 2-4-2015 by Ord. No. 1-2015]
VI (mobile Type A, twelve-month license)
VI (mobile Type B, ninety-day license)
VI (mobile Type C, sixty-day license)
VI (mobile Type D, thirty-day license)
VI (mobile Type E, ten-day license)
NOTE: Retail food license fees do not include required quarterly water samples, if well water.
Editor’s Note: Former Subsection C, regarding pigeon and chicken coops, was repealed 6-5-2024 by Ord. No. 12-2024.
Health services:
[Amended 7-23-1997; 3-24-2004 by Ord. No. 12-2004; 10-26-2005 by Ord. No. 35-2005; 3-25-2009 by Ord. No. 11-2009; 5-26-2010 by Ord. No. 8-2010]
Foot care clinic
Soil log and/or percolation test*:
[Amended 10-26-2005 by Ord. No. 35-2005; 3-25-2009 by Ord. No. 12-2009]
No charge
Single-family residential, existing construction, per dwelling unit
Single-family residential, new construction, per dwelling unit
Multifamily residential, existing construction, per dwelling unit
Multifamily residential, new construction, per dwelling unit
Commercial development, per 300 square feet of floor area
Where number of dwelling units or size of commercial development is unknown
To be based on maximum permitted by ordinance for size of property
*NOTE: Fee is to be imposed for each on-site visit by Board of Health representative.
Vital statistics registrar fees:
[Amended 3-24-2004 by Ord. No. 12-2004; 8-25-2004 by Ord. No. 29-2004; 10-26-2005 by Ord. No. 35-20054-25-2007 by Ord. No. 7-2007]
Marriage license
Remarriage license
Certified copy (any vital record)
Burial permit
Any ordinance, rule or regulation of the Board of Health setting forth fees for any of the services provided in § 251-4 of this article is hereby amended to conform to this article. Any ordinance, rule or regulation setting forth fees for any service provided by the Board of Health of the Borough of Hopatcong not set forth in § 251-4 shall remain in full force and effect.
In the event that any fee set forth in § 251-4 is based in whole or in part upon fees charged by or set by the State of New Jersey or the County of Sussex or any of their political subdivisions, or any other third parties change their fee, then the fee in § 251-4 shall be deemed automatically increased or decreased, as is applicable, to reflect the change in such third-party fee without amendment to this article.