[Adopted 6-24-1996 by L.L. No. 3-1996 (Ch. 28, Art. IV, of the 1972 Code)]
Any cooperative, condominium, homesteading or rental property which receives payments, grants or loans pursuant to Article XVIII of the New York State Private Housing Finance Law is eligible. The tax exemption is dependent upon this funding and if the property ceases to be eligible for this funding, it will also cease to be eligible for this tax exemption.
Application for tax exemptions pursuant to this article should be made to the Village Clerk. Such application shall prove that the property for which the tax exemption is sought was developed under Article XVIII of the New York State Private Housing Finance Law.
Property eligible for exemptions under this article shall be exempt from all real property taxes imposed by the Village of East Aurora, other than assessments for local improvements, as follows: The exemption shall consist of a twenty-year declining scale exemption with the property having a full tax exemption for the first 12 years, 80% tax exemption for the next two years, 60% exemption for the next two years, 40% tax exemption for the next two years and 20% tax exemption for the next two years.
[Amended 3-14-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
Any property which receives the above exemption shall not receive garbage pickup services from the Village of East Aurora, but shall provide its own garbage pickup. In the event that any such property shall require garbage pickup by the Village of East Aurora, the owner of such property shall pay a fee to the Village of East Aurora for such service in an amount as set forth in Chapter 137, Article II, of this Code.