The District will provide water and sewer service, when necessary, to extend its service system, under the following conditions:
Bona fide applicants will design and construct, at their expense, any necessary extension piping to be directly connected into the District's service system.
The extension must be approved as to the direction, distance, etc. by the District prior to its construction; the same holds true for any pumping stations or other devices necessary to provide service.
The District reserves the right to determine the size of the pipe necessary in making such extension.
The ownership of the extensions installed under this rule shall, at all times, be in the District, its successors and assigns. Upon completion and acceptance by the District of any approved extension and/or appurtenances to the system, it is understood and agreed that the developer or customer shall be responsible for and obligated to correct any deficiencies in construction for a period of one year from the date of acceptance of the facilities by the District. This condition shall be stipulated in the written form of acceptance issued by the District.
Where the main or extension is to be installed on private property, the owner or those proposing the extension thereof shall provide, free of charge, an easement and a free, unobstructed and uninterrupted right-of-way for the installation, maintenance and extension of the main on such private property, and shall, if requested by the District, place on public record a facsimile plat, showing the location on such property.
All extensions to the District's system will be designed and constructed in accordance with the latest State Health Department, State Water Control Board and District specifications. To assure compliance with these specifications and to assure the District that the extension is properly built the District will inspect the extension as installed. An inspection charge fixed by the District will be made to the owner/developer. The owner/developer is responsible for testing such facilities at its expense. The District reserves the right to test facilities at the owner's/developer's expense. Upon passing the required inspection, the District will certify to the State Health Department and State Water Control Board that the required inspections have been made and approved and will be accepted as part of the District's system. Five sets of "as built" plans must be submitted to the District for any proposed extension within 60 days of completion and testing of the extensions.
The applicant shall pay all costs of line extensions.
The District shall determine with the applicant any connection, service and other fees and terms with any applicant who wishes service and who is outside of the District. The District shall not be obligated to provide such service. Any agreement reached by an applicant and the District for service outside the District shall not take effect until ratified and approved by the District.