[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Hudson 2-7-1972. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings hereinafter designated:
A canvas or folding structure mounted on wheels and designed for travel, recreation and vacation use.
A flush toilet lavatory, bath and kitchen sink.
A mobile home which does not have complete bathroom facilities.
That which is, or was as originally constructed, designed to be transported by any motor vehicle upon a public highway and designed, equipped and used primarily for sleeping, eating and living quarters, or is intended to be so used; and includes any additions, attachments, annexes, foundations and appurtenances, except that a house trailer is not deemed a mobile home if the assessable value of such additions, attachments, annexes, foundations and appurtenances equals or exceeds 50% of the assessable value of the mobile home.
A portable, temporary dwelling to be used for travel, recreation and vacation, constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
A structure designed to be mounted on a truck chassis for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreation and vacation.
A building housing toilet and bathing facilities for men or women, and may also include buildings containing laundry facilities and other facilities as required by this chapter or desired by the licensee.
All vehicles and portable structures built on a chassis whether designed to be towed upon the highway or self-propelled, designed as a temporary or permanent dwelling for travel, recreational or vacation use and not included in the definition of "nondependent mobile home" in § 59-1 of this Code. For purposes of this chapter, dependent mobile homes, as defined in this chapter, camping trailers, pickup coaches, motor homes and similar recreational vehicles are considered to be travel trailers unless otherwise indicated.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
A plot of ground upon which two or more travel trailers are occupied for dwelling, regardless of whether or not a charge is made for such accommodations.
A plot of ground within a travel trailer park designed for accommodation of one travel trailer.
No person shall occupy or park for purposes of occupancy any travel trailer or dependent mobile home on any public or private street or land with the Town of Hudson outside of a licensed travel trailer park, except that one travel trailer may be parked for not more than 30 days on premises on which a permanent dwelling is located. The Town Board shall have authority to extend the permitted time of occupancy for persons working on public construction projects serving the Town of Hudson.
Parking of unoccupied travel trailer and dependent mobile homes outside an approved travel trailer park is lawful in the following instances:
On the premises of an authorized travel trailer dealer provided no business is practiced therein.
One travel trailer unit may be parked in an accessory private garage or building or a rear yard of the owner, provided no business is practiced therein.
On the premises of any vehicle service business for the purpose of servicing or making repairs thereto.
No travel trailer shall be used as a permanent place of abode, dwelling or business or for indefinite periods of time. Continuous occupancy extending beyond three months in any twelve-month period shall be presumed to be permanent occupancy.
Any action toward removal of the wheels of a travel trailer except for temporary purposes of repair or to attach the trailer to the grounds for stabilizing purposes is hereby prohibited.
No person shall establish, operate or maintain a travel trailer park or permit the same on premises owned, leased or controlled by him with the Town of Hudson without first having obtained a valid unexpired license therefor issued by the Municipal Clerk and approved by the Town Board.
Travel trailer park licenses shall expire one year from date of issue and may be renewed for additional one-year periods under this chapter.
Licenses shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the governing body for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or terms or conditions imposed by the governing body and endorsed upon the license, or any of the ordinances of the Town of Hudson regulating health, morals, safety or welfare. Such revocation or suspension shall be governed by the provisions of § 66.0435(2)(d), Wis. Stats., relating to revocation or suspension of mobile home park licenses.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
Any person whose license has been suspended or revoked under this chapter shall not be eligible for a license or renewal hereunder for a period of 12 months thereafter.
The application for such license, original or renewal, shall be filed with the Clerk and shall be accompanied by a fee for each space in the park as set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. A113, Fees.
Unexpired travel trailer park licenses may be transferred from one owner or operator to another upon payment of a fee as set from time to time by resolution of the Town Board the Town Clerk.
No travel trailer park shall be located in any fire district.
Travel trailer parks shall comply with all requirements of Wis. Admin. Code Chapter ATCP 79; and if such park admits or proposes to accommodate dependent mobile homes, the park shall also comply with all requirements of Wis. Admin. Code Chapter SPS 326. Such codes are hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Before any park license shall be issued, the applicant shall present to the governing body proof of such compliance. Provisions of Wis. Admin. Code Chapter SPS 326 shall supersede provisions of Wis. Admin. Code Chapter ATCP 79, if applicable, under this subsection.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
The minimum tract size of a travel trailer park shall be five acres.
Travel trailer spaces within each park shall have a minimum width of 25 feet and a minimum depth of 40 feet.
A minimum of 11/2 off-street automobile parking spaces shall be provided for each travel trailer space within the park.
All travel trailer parks shall be designed to provide maximum feasible privacy to occupants and located on such sites within the Town of Hudson as are most appropriate to recreational use and not contrary to the Zoning Ordinance, building or subdivision control, fire district or other ordinances or regulations of the town, and not to create traffic hazards.
Travel trailer parks shall be designed to blend with and enhance the beauty and economic value of the surrounding properties and to produce an attractive environment of sustained aesthetic and ecological desirability. For this purpose the Town Board may require the developer to provide vegetative screen planting which will reach a height of 15 feet and form a screen equivalent in capacity to a solid fence or wall in five years or to provide other appropriate screening of the premises.
Access to and from travel trailer parks shall be to nonresidential streets, highways or service roads.
Commercial facilities and structures, such as restaurants and Laundromats, swimming pools and golf courses, may be located in a travel trailer park upon approval of the governing body if they do not occupy a total of more than 10% of the park area and are located, designed and intended for serving park occupants.
All construction within a travel trailer park shall comply with the building, electrical, heating and plumbing codes of the State of Wisconsin and the Town of Hudson.
Each travel trailer park shall contain at least one service building housing sanitation, toilet and laundry facilities. Service buildings shall conform to the provisions of Wis. Admin. Code Chapter ATCP 79, state and municipal building, electrical, heating and plumbing codes.
[Amended 12-7-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-3]
Travel trailer parks shall have at least 25 linear feet of outdoor clothes drying line for each space and one mechanical clothes drying unit for every 10 spaces or fraction thereof.
An adequate supply of pure water shall be located not more than 300 feet from each travel trailer for drinking and domestic purposes. The park shall be so laid out that no travel trailer shall be located farther than 300 feet from the toilets and service buildings provided, and walkways to such buildings shall be graveled or paved and well lighted by no less than 0.3 footcandles at night.
Every travel trailer space shall be furnished with an electrical service outlet equipped with an externally operated switch or fuse of not less than 30 amperes capacity and a heavy duty outdoor outlet receptacle. Electrical outlets shall be weatherproof and no power lines shall be located less than 15 feet above the ground.
In new travel trailer parks or extensions of existing travel trailer parks, all distribution lines, including, without limitation, electrical, water, sewerage and telephone lines, shall be located underground.
No travel trailer within a park shall be used as a permanent place of abode, dwelling or business in violation of § 95-3 of this chapter.
No unit shall be parked in the travel trailer park outside a designated space.
No vehicle, travel trailer or other obstruction shall be placed on any space or other area designated as a fire lane by the Fire Chief or his deputy.
The person to whom a travel trailer park license is issued shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park in compliance with this chapter and keep facilities and equipment therein in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
There shall be located in every travel trailer park a park office wherein the licensee or his agent shall maintain a register of all park occupants to be open at all times to inspection by state, federal and municipal officers, showing:
Names and addresses of all owners and occupants of each travel trailer.
Dates of entrance and departure of each travel trailer.
Make, model, year and serial number or license number of each travel trailer and towing or other motor vehicle and state, territory or county issuing such licenses.
The licensee or his agent shall inform all travel trailer residents of the provisions of this chapter and their duties and responsibilities hereunder.
The licensee or his agent shall notify the health officer immediately of any suspected communicable or contagious disease within the park.
The licensee or his agent shall provide for the sanitary and safe removal and disposal of all refuse and garbage at least weekly from the park in accordance with the laws of the state and ordinances of the municipality or orders or regulations of the health officer or Fire Chief.
The licensee shall provide portable fire extinguishers of a type, number and placement approved by the Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator and maintain such extinguishers in good operating condition.
Every travel trailer owner or occupant shall comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter or other ordinances or regulations of the municipality.
The travel trailer owner or occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of his travel trailer on the space. Travel trailers shall not be located less than 15 feet from any other trailer or building within the park nor less than 40 feet from any park boundary or public highway or street nor less than 25 feet from any park drive or walkway.
Pets, if permitted by the park management, shall not be permitted by the owners to run at large or commit any nuisance within the park.
No person within a travel trailer park shall store or dispose of rubbish or garbage in an unclean, insanitary or unsafe manner. Garbage and refuse shall be placed in rodent-proof, insect-proof, watertight containers provided by the park licensee.
The licensee of every travel trailer park and his agents and employees shall grant access to the enforcement officers of the town or their authorized agents at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting the premises for compliance with this chapter or any other ordinance of the town. The Fire Chief, Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator and health officer shall inspect or cause to be inspected all travel trailer parks within the town at least once in every three-month period.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter or fail to perform any duty required hereby or do any act hereby prohibited shall, in addition to any penalty imposed under § 95-4C, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not more than $200, together with the costs of prosecution, and upon default of payment of such forfeiture or costs shall be imprisoned in the county jail until such forfeiture and costs are paid but not exceeding 30 days.