Dilution of an industrial discharge for purposes of reducing the pollutant
characteristics or concentrations to below the limitations established in
this article, or below other applicable pretreatment standards, is prohibited.
Any person who accidentally discharges into the local system wastes
or wastewater prohibited under these regulations shall immediately report
such a discharge to the Village and the Commission. Such report shall describe
the location, time and volume of the discharge and the type of waste or wastewater
discharged. Within 15 days of such discharge, a detailed written statement
describing the cause of the discharge and the measures taken to prevent a
future occurrence shall be submitted to the Village and Commission. Such reporting
shall not relieve the person causing the accidental discharge from any penalties
imposed by this chapter or Commission Regulations. Where the Village or Commission
deems necessary, industrial users shall provide facilities to prevent accidental
discharges or spills of wastes or wastewaters prohibited under these regulations.
If any waters or wastes are discharged or are proposed to be discharged
to the local system in excess of those limitations enumerated herein, the
Village, following consultation with the Commission, shall:
C. Control the quantities and rates of discharge; and/or
D. Recover the increased costs of handling and treating
such wastes.
Industrial users shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and
Commission Regulations, as may be amended from time to time, and any additional
conditions related to a specific industrial user as determined by the Village
and Commission. Industrial users may be required to pretreat their wastewater
when necessary to protect the wastewater facilities or prevent discharge of
incompatible pollutants. Construction, operation and maintenance of pretreatment
facilities shall be at the expense of the user. Pretreatment facilities shall
be operated by qualified personnel holding a Grade 1 certificate in appropriate
subgrade as issued by the DNR.
The Village shall require such traps as are deemed necessary by the
Commission, in its sole opinion, for the proper handling of liquid wastes
containing floatable oil or grease in amounts in excess of the limitations
as specified in this article, or any flammable wastes, sand, or other harmful
ingredients. However, such traps shall not be required for private living
quarters or dwelling units. All such traps shall be of a type and capacity
approved by the Commission and shall be located as to be readily and easily
accessible for cleaning and inspection. In maintaining these traps, the Village
or other owner shall be responsible for the proper removal and disposal by
appropriate means of the captured material and shall maintain records of the
dates and means of disposal. Such records shall be submitted to the Village
and Commission upon request. Disposal of the collected materials must be in
accordance with applicable DNR rules and regulations.