A customer desiring service must make application to the Utility before receiving use of the Utility's service. The Utility reserves the right to require a signed application or a written contract for the service to be furnished. Receipt of service, however, shall constitute the receiver a customer of the Utility, subject to its rates, rules and regulations, whether service is based upon a signed application, contract or otherwise. All applications and contracts for service shall be made in the legal name of the party to be obligated to pay for the service.
Subject to its rates, rules and regulations, the Utility will continue to supply service until requested to discontinue, and the customer will be responsible for payment of all service furnished until discontinued.
All agreements for service shall be for a period of one year unless otherwise specified in the contract. Contracts are automatically renewed at the end of their term under conditions stated in the various contracts.
No agent or employee of the Utility shall have the power to or shall amend, modify, alter or waive any of the rates or rules of the Utility or bind the Utility by making any representation not incorporated in the contract.
Contracts shall not be transferred unless authorized by the Utility; new occupants of premises previously receiving service must make official application to the Utility before commencing the use of service.
Customers who have been receiving service must notify the Utility when discontinuing service; otherwise, they will be liable for the use of the service by their successors should said successors refuse to pay.
Classification of customers.
An electric consumer or unit of service shall consist of any aggregation of space or area occupied for a distinct purpose, such as a residence, an apartment, flat, store, office, factory, etc., which is equipped with one or more fixtures for rendering service separate and distinct from other users. The public portions of buildings, such as hallways, toilets, etc., may be treated separately depending on the requirements.
Unless otherwise defined, the ultimate use of energy purchased by a customer determines the rate applicable to his installation.
Electric customers may be classified as follows:
Residential customers.
Commercial customers.
Power customers, standard or large.
Rural customers.
Public street and highway lighting customers.
Interdepartmental sales.
Miscellaneous customers.
The following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes each separate business enterprise, occupation or institution taking service through a single meter, occupying for its exclusive use any unit or units of space, such as an entire building, entire floor, suite of rooms or a single room, and using energy for the illumination of such space and for such incidental use as the schedule of rates applicable to the particular installation may permit.
Includes service for pumping water by the municipal water department and/or pumping sewage by the municipal sewage department of a municipality which also operates an electric utility.
Customers using electric service for purposes not included in other classifications.
Includes each residence, separate business enterprise or institution occupying, for its exclusive use, any unit or units of space, such as an entire building, entire floor, suite of rooms or a single room, and using energy for driving motors or other electrical loads larger than permitted on the Utility's other rate schedules.
Includes governmental agencies which take service for the purpose of lighting public streets, highways or traffic signs.
Includes each separate house, apartment, flat or other living quarters occupied by a person or persons constituting a distinct household and using energy for general illumination and for operating household appliances. Residence lighting use may be extended to include the use of energy for lighting the land and buildings which are adjacent to, connected with and used exclusively by the residence being served.
The schedules of rates apply when electricity is furnished in any one month to one customer at one location for a class of service through one meter. The schedules of rates are based on delivery and billing service to the ultimate user for retail service and do not permit resale or distribution.
For all extensions of new or increased service, each unit must be separately metered before service will be rendered.
Where a customer occupies more than one unit of space, each unit will be metered separately and a separate bill will be computed and rendered based on the readings of each individual meter unless a customer makes arrangements with a Utility to provide the approved circuits and loops by which the different units can be connected and all energy metered through one meter.
Where a commercial and one or more residential units are combined so as to obtain electric service through one meter, the commercial rate will be applied.
Service may be taken at the following service voltages:
Service voltages
  120 single phase
  12 0/240 single phase
  12 0/240 three phase
  12 0/208 three phase
  22 0/440 three phase
If a customer requires service at a voltage other than that offered by the Utility or at more than one voltage, the customer shall furnish and maintain the additional equipment required. If the customer's service requires two or more transformer settings or points of delivery to a structure, the customer shall also furnish and maintain the additional equipment required.
Where emergency systems and buildings are so wired as to require a separate meter, the energy so metered will be billed as a separate customer. Emergency systems are systems supplying power and illumination essential to safety and life and property where such systems or circuits are legally required by municipal, state, federal or other codes or by any governmental agency having jurisdiction.
Emergency illumination shall include only the required exit lights and other lights specified as necessary to provide sufficient illumination.