[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Saukville 12-17-1985 by Ord. No. 389 (Ch. 21 of the 1985 Code); amended in its entirety 9-5-2006 by Ord. No. 657. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
General penalty — See Ch. 1, § 1-19.
Cemetery Commission — See Ch. 8.
Appointment of Cemetery Commissioner — See Ch. 35.
Committees of the Board — See Ch. 46.
Sectional Lot 4, Sections 35-11-21 in the Village of Saukville, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin shall be named Union Cemetery (hereafter "the cemetery").
For the purpose of the maintenance, beautifying and the preservation of the cemetery, all in accordance with Ch. 157, Wis. Stats., the Village Board hereby adopts rules and regulations and creates a fund known as the "Cemetery Fund," which will be a distinct and separate fund from all others, which will be exclusively used for this cemetery and applied in compliance with the requirements of Ch. 157, Wis. Stats., which governs public cemeteries owned or controlled by municipalities.
The Village Board shall appoint two or more persons who are interested in the care and improvement of the cemetery. The appointees shall assist the Board of Trustees and the Public Works Committee in the management of the cemetery.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 834]
The lots to be conveyed shall be expressly for burial purposes. The columbarium niches shall be expressly for holding up to two cremates and sold as an undivided complete space. The purchase of a niche does not constitute the sale of property but provides the right to an inurnment space. All ownership of the columbarium, including its land, remains with the Village. A reasonable fee shall be charged for the sale of a grave lot or columbarium niche. The fee shall reflect perpetual maintenance, repairs and administrative costs for the Village to operate the cemetery. The cost of the lot or columbarium niche shall be set by resolution of the Village Board upon recommendation by the Cemetery Commission. Proceeds from the sale of lots shall be deposited in the Cemetery Fund. Lots may be repurchased by the Village, in its discretion, at not more than 1/2 the lot price then in effect. Receipts shalt be given for purchase of grave lots and shall be signed by the President, Village Administrator and Treasurer. Before delivery of the receipt, it shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Administrator and Treasurer. No title shall be deemed valid and no grave shall be dug until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 834]
The Administrator shall keep the plats and records relating to the cemetery grounds and shall keep complete records of all the acts, doings, resolutions and proceedings of the Village Board relating to the cemetery in a book provided for that purpose. The Administrator shall also preserve and file all papers relating to the same. The records and papers shall be open to public inspection. The Treasurer shall draw all receipts and see that the same are property signed by the President and Administrator upon receipt for the amount of any lot or columbarium niche sold, keeping a record of the check number, lot, date, consideration and to whom given. The Treasurer shall keep duplicate plats of the grounds and keep a record of the names of lot or niche holders with the number and description of their lots, when sold, and the amount paid for the same. Upon the sale of any lot or niche, the Treasurer shall furnish the Administrator with a duplicate receipt giving the name of the purchaser, the date of purchase, number of block, number of lot or niche and amount paid.
The Treasurer shall report to the Village Board at the regular meetings of the Board a detailed statement of the number of lots sold, their description, to whom sold and the purchase price. The Treasurer shall not pay out any moneys for any purpose without an order signed by the President and Administrator.
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 834]
The Cemetery Commissioner shall dig or supervise the digging and filling of all graves and lots in the cemetery. The Cemetery Commissioner shall not dig or open in the cemetery, or permit it to be done by others, unless upon the presentation of a certificate by the Administrator or receipt executed by the President, Administrator and Treasurer of the Village, and the Cemetery Commissioner shall remove or have removed all surplus gravel or ground after burial from the lot. A reasonable fee for a grave opening and burial or columbarium niche opening and use shall be charged to the person requesting the opening. The fee shall be set by resolution of the Village Board upon recommendation by the Cemetery Commission. Proceeds from the grave opening fee or niche opening fee shall be deposited in the Cemetery Fund and used for payment of the grave opening contractor's fee, restoration of the grave site following burial and associated administrative costs.
The funeral director, before burial is conducted, shall file with the Administrator a certificate to be recorded in that office, in which the funeral director shall state, as near as can be ascertained, the name, place of birth, age and sex of the person to be interred and the cause, time and place of death. The funeral director shall also provide the original or copy of the deed for the lot. In the event the funeral director cannot provide the original or copy of the deed, a signed affidavit shall be provided to the Village establishing the right to utilize the grave. The funeral director shall instruct the Cemetery Commissioner as to the orientation of the burial as in the case of husband and wife or multiple adjacent graves of family or related members. In the absence of any instruction by the funeral director, it shall be left to the sole discretion of the Cemetery Commissioner as to the orientation of the burial.
All revenues and proceeds of the cemetery grounds shall be applied in the payment of debts incurred by the Village Board in defraying the necessary expenses of the management and care of the same and for no other purposes.
[Amended 3-18-2014 by Ord. No. 745; 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 834]
No planting of trees or shrubs. Annual or perennial plants or bulbs are allowed, but only within 12 inches of the front of the monument. No treatment of grass for any purpose.
One shepherd hook holding a basket is allowed but can be no higher than three feet, must be placed next to the monument and the basket must hang directly over the monument.
Decorations are allowed for holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries but may not be left for more than two weeks or will be removed.
The cemetery will remove any plantings or items interfering with lawn maintenance or that have become unsightly.
Boxes, tubes, shells, toys, metal designs, ornaments, chairs, settees, free standing vases or photographs, jars of any kind, large rocks, fences and lighting of any kind are not allowed.
Only the Village may dig graves for full burials or cremated remains enclosed in an approved container. No scattering of cremains allowed.
Only one monument allowed per grave. Multiple burials per grave shall have names in a vertical orientation. Bronze veterans plaques must be placed on the back of the monument or at the head of the grave in absence of a monument. Monuments may not exceed 36 inches in width for single graves or 48 inches for two adjoining graves unless permission is specifically granted by the Cemetery Commission.
Monuments must be placed on a poured - in place concrete foundation that extends at least four inches horizontally beyond the base dimensions of the monument. No precast or gravel foundations. Monuments up to 30 inches in height must have a concrete foundation at least 24 inches in depth. Foundations for larger monuments must be reviewed and approved by the Cemetery Commission prior to installation. Monument companies must contact the Cemetery Commissioner before installing any monument and must have the foundation inspected before pouring. Monuments must be placed at the head of the grave.
No pet burials or live pets (except Seeing Eye dogs) allowed in the cemetery.
Graves are four feet by ten feet. Graves may be repurchased at not more than 1/2 the current price.
There may be one full burial and two cremated remains per grave, or three cremated remains per grave.
Upon sale of a grave, it will be provided with a simple marker identifying the owner.
All graves must have a monument within six months following the burial.
Any burial between December 1st and March 31st shalt be considered a winter burial. No winter burials are allowed on the cemetery tiers. The fee for a grave opening for a winter burial shall be three times the regular grave opening fee if there is frost in the ground or snow on the ground.
A funeral director shall verify with the Cemetery Commissioner as to whether a grave opening can be made between December 1st and March 31st before committing the village to a grave opening. A funeral director must give the village advance notice of not less than five working days prior to any grave opening.
The following are Additional Rules and Regulations related to the purchase and use of Columbarium in the Cemetery.
An Inscription Form will be provided by the Village where information will be provided. The Village is responsible for the engraving and installation of the niches.
The cost of the engraving is the responsibility of the owner of the niche and is paid directly to the engraving company designated by the Village.
To Maintain the uniform appearance of the Columbarium and in respect for the dignity of all Grantees presently inurned or to be inurned in the future, deviations from the standard typeset (size and font of lettering), logos artwork or engraved decorations on the stone fronts are prohibited.
NICHE COVER ENGRAVING: Due to size of niche lettering for niches will be font and size to appropriately fit the niche cover. The niche cover will consist of:
Surname, First name, Middle initial.
Maiden name if space allows.
Date of Birth: Month, Day, Year only.
Date of Death.
Military Service Medallion.
No flowers, ornaments, decorations, embellishments, memorial items or other articles or objects shall be attached to or placed in/near Columbarium. The Village of Saukville Public Works Department reserves the right to remove any decoration at any time for any reason.
The inside dimensions of each niche are 12 X 12 X 16 inches deep. This size niche can accommodate two cremains. Containers holding the cremains to be inurned shall be in a non-biodegradable material approved by the Village of Saukville Public Works Department and be in a size suitable for the size of the niche (no cardboard boxes allowed). The Public Works Department shall have full authority to refuse to accept for inurnment in a receptacle deemed unsuitable.
No inurnment of animals are permitted.
Inurnments out of normal business hours are subject to additional fees.
Whenever the niche purchaser and grantee(s) of the niche are not the same person(s), then an Assignment of Instrument Rights of Inurnment Authorization must be on file with the Village to create a Grantee interest in the Purchaser' s niche space.
Niche purchasers and/or grantees recognize and agree as a condition of the purchase/assignment that amendments to these Rules and Regulations, conditions or restrictions may be deemed necessary by the Village for the benefit of all parties and agrees to abide by changes or improvements as they may be made in the future.
Niche purchasers and/or grantees are limited to one niche per individual person or trust as the niche purchaser, and no multiple or bulk sales of niches are permitted.
The Cemetery Commission has the right to act or make any decision that is in the best interest of the Village of Saukville.
The Cemetery Commissioner is empowered to enforce all of the bylaws, rules and regulations of the cemetery.
The Cemetery Commission shall be chaired by the Cemetery Commissioner, who shall have such powers and duties as previously expressed in this chapter. (See also § 8-5 of this Code.)
Any person violating a provision of this chapter shall be subject to a penalty as set forth in § 1-19 of this Code.