General. The subdivider shall pay the Town all fees as hereinafter required and at the times specified before being entitled to recording of a plat or certified survey map.
Engineering fee. The subdivider shall pay a fee equal to the actual cost to the Town for all engineering work incurred by the Town in connection with the plat or certified survey map, including inspections required by the Town. The subdivider shall pay a fee equal to the actual cost to the Town for such engineering work and inspection as the Town Board and/or Town Engineer deems necessary to assure that the construction of the required improvements is in compliance with the plans, specifications and ordinances of the Town or any other governmental authority. Engineering work shall include the preparation of construction plans, standard specifications and administration of the engineering work.
Administrative fee. The subdivider shall pay a fee equal to the cost of any legal, administrative or fiscal work which may be undertaken by the Town in connection with the plat or certified survey map.
Preliminary plat review fee.[1]
The subdivider shall pay a fee set forth on the schedule of deposits, bonds and fees to the Town Treasurer at the time of first application for approval of any preliminary plats or certified survey maps to assist in defraying the cost of review.
A reapplication fee set forth on the schedule of deposits, bonds and fees shall be paid to the Town Treasurer at the time of reapplication for approval of any preliminary plat which has previously been reviewed.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Final plat review fee.[2]
The subdivider shall pay a fee set forth on the schedule of deposits, bonds and fees to the Town Treasurer at the time of first application for final plat approval of said plat to assist in defraying the cost of review.
A reapplication fee set forth on the schedule of deposits, bonds and fees shall be paid to the Town Treasurer at the time of a reapplication for approval of any final plat which has previously been reviewed.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Objecting agency review fees. The subdivider shall transmit all fees required for state agency review to the Town Treasurer at the time of application. Said review fees shall be retransmitted to the proper state review agency by the Town Treasurer. Said fees shall be applicable, where appropriate, to review fees required by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Department of Commerce and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.[3]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Public site fee. If the subdivision does not contain lands to be dedicated as required in this chapter, the Town Board shall require a fee pursuant to § 350-43 for the acquisition and development of public sites to serve the future inhabitants of the proposed subdivision.