This chapter is passed pursuant to that grant of authority contained in NMSA § 4-37-1, and shall be commonly referred to as the "Doña Ana County Graffiti Abatement Ordinance." This chapter shall be effective and enforced consistent with state law within the geographical boundaries of Doña Ana County, excluding the territory within the boundaries of duly incorporated municipalities.
It is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners, by passing this chapter, to:
Protect public and private property within the County from defacement and loss in value by preventing, prohibiting and removing graffiti vandalism.
Establish an effective program for the prompt removal of graffiti vandalism, including implementation of a procedure which will allow the County to recoup some of its costs associated with the graffiti abatement, in order to prevent the further spread of graffiti and other criminal acts.
Bring to justice those persons who violate the requirements of this chapter, and to create a deterrent for others.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any unauthorized inscription, word, figure, drawing, painting, writing or carving that is marked, etched, scratched, drawn, painted, adhered, or otherwise applied to property, without the prior authorization of the owner, regardless of the graffiti content, nature of material used in commission of the act, or the nature of the material of the property.
A County official whose job duties include interpretation and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
Any implement capable of marking a surface to create graffiti, including but not limited to spray paint, markers, gum labels, and/or etching equipment.
Property to which graffiti has been applied, if the graffiti is visible from premises open to the public, and if the graffiti has not been abated within 15 days of the date of mailing of the notification of potential graffiti nuisance property.
Decals, stickers, posters and other labels that adhere to surfaces and cannot be removed in an intact condition and with minimal effort.
Any person who holds title to the property or the legal right to control the property, including the title holder's authorized representative.
The biological, step or adoptive parent of a minor with physical custody of a child or the legal guardian of a child with physical custody.
Any individual, firm, partnership, cooperative association, private corporation, personal representative, receiver, trustee, assignee, or other legal entity.
All public spaces, including but not limited to streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and public open space, as well as private property to which the public is regularly invited or permitted to enter for any purpose.
Any person who owns, operates or manages a store, stand, booth, concession, mobile unit or other place at which sales of spray paint are made to purchasers.
Any paint or paint-like coating substance which is dispensed by the use of an aerosol spray device, whether or not containing a toxic substance.
Without the permission of the property owner or operator, or otherwise in violation of the provisions of County or state law.