Any person who violates a provision of this chapter by willfully performing or allowing to be performed any work without first obtaining an historic area work permit, failing to comply with any conditions of such permit, failing to comply with any final notice issued pursuant to this chapter or disobeying or disregarding a decision of the HDC may be liable for a civil monetary fine in the amount of $500, enforceable pursuant to the procedural provisions of the Princess Anne Building Code,[1] for each violation. Each seven-day period a violation is not corrected shall constitute a separate violation. The application of such penalty shall not preclude the enforced removal or abatement of prohibited conditions or acts through appropriate proceedings in equity.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 52, Building Construction.
In the event that any owner of property within an historic district is aggrieved by a decision of the HDC, the owner may file an appeal with the Circuit Court within 30 days after the date upon which the HDC's decision is published. Review of the HDC's decision by the Court shall be based on the record of the proceedings before the HDC.