Planting prohibition. No trees or bushes shall be planted within any Township street or alley right-of-way.
Trimming requirements. All trees or bushes overhanging the improved portion of any street or alley or any sidewalk shall be trimmed so as not to overhang said improved street, alley or sidewalk to a height of at least 14 feet from the grade of the street and to a height of at least eight feet from the grade of the sidewalk so as not to constitute a safety hazard.
It shall be the duty of the Manager or other Township to give 10 days' notice in writing to all persons who have trees or bushes in front of their property overhanging the improved portion of any street, alley or sidewalk, or to any person who acts as agent or representative therefor, to trim the trees or bushes in front of their respective properties in accordance with the provisions of this article, or to remove trees or bushes within said street or alley rights-of-way, constituting a safety hazard. Trees or bushes within Township streets or rights-of-way which constitute a safety hazard shall be removed upon 10 days' notice to the owner or his agent or representative.
In the event that time does not permit such ten-day notice, the Township may trim any tree or bush overhanging an improved Township street, alley or sidewalk, or eliminate any tree or bush within said right-of-way without any notice to the property owner or his agent or representative fronting on said Township street or alley.